I'm getting wildly different disk IO performance from two storage devices in a 
Windows Server 2003 guest.  I'm using diskgraf to test and get a max of 8MB/s 
for both reads and writes of a 64MB file on the system drive, but 101MB/s 
writes and 250MB/s reads on the second drive.  The cache is enabled on both 
drives with driver name='qemu' cache='writeback'/>.  Prior to enabling the 
cache I was getting just 1.5MB/s reads/writes from the system drive.  Both 
storage devices were created through virt-manager, and are raw image files 
access from an NFS server (SATA RAID5).

Really hoping that someone can give me some pointers for fixing the problem.

# modinfo kvm_intel
license:        GPL
author:         Qumranet
version:        kvm-83-164.el5_5.25
srcversion:     8C538112F6F8EC1E834351B
depends:        kvm
vermagic:       2.6.18-194.17.1.el5 SMP mod_unload gcc-4.1
parm:           bypass_guest_pf:bool
parm:           enable_vpid:bool
parm:           flexpriority_enabled:bool
parm:           enable_ept:bool
parm:           emulate_invalid_guest_state:bool

# qemu-img info mercury_win2003_exchange2007_64.img 
image: mercury_win2003_exchange2007_64.img
file format: raw
virtual size: 29G (31457280000 bytes)
disk size: 29G

# qemu-img info mercury_win2003_exchange2007_64_disk2.img 
image: mercury_win2003_exchange2007_64_disk2.img
file format: raw
virtual size: 20G (20971520000 bytes)
disk size: 20G

# file mercury_win2003_exchange2007_64.img 
mercury_win2003_exchange2007_64.img: x86 boot sector, Microsoft Windows XP MBR, 
Serial 0x1ef01ee; partition 1: ID=0x7, active, starthead 1, startsector 63, 
61416432 sectors

# file mercury_win2003_exchange2007_64_disk2.img 
mercury_win2003_exchange2007_64_disk2.img: x86 boot sector, Microsoft Windows 
XP MBR, Serial 0x844035a3; partition 1: ID=0x7, starthead 1, startsector 63, 
40949622 sectors, extended partition table (last)\011

Any thoughts/ideas?


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