Hello Kwant community,
The Kwant package deals with the (dc) linear response for tight-binding models 
while TKwant is time-dependent. But it is not obvious to me from the 
documentation whether TKwant is capable of simulating nonlinear responses (at 
finite frequencies). Instead of naively assuming that it does not go beyond 
linear Kwant, it is probably worth asking here.

I'm particularly interested in finding nonlinear conductivities like a 
second-harmonic sigma(2w; w, w) and a dc response sigma(0; w, -w) with w the 
driving frequency. They are generated, e.g., by applying the ac bias driving 
voltage/current through the attached leads. If Tkwant does capture all such 
nonlinear effects, I presume one can simulate in the real time and transform 
the current/voltage response to the frequency space and obtain these results.

Any relevant comment will be appreciated!

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