On 09/03/2014 09:51 AM, Masti Ramya Jayaram wrote:
Hey Jan,

Sorry for underspecifying it. Here are the details.

I have a library called scc-sec under the l4/pkg directory. It has one file:

a. init.c that contains

void hello(){

I compile this as a library and I can see the scc-sec.so and scc-sec.a in the 
l4/build/pkg/scc-sec directory

Now in l4/pkg/bootstrap:

a. Control file
requires: (added) scc-sec

b. Make.rules:

Is "-lscc-sec" the literal content of this file? That doesn't do anything.

c. startup.cc

I declare the function as:

extern "C" {
void hello();

and somewhere in startup() function, I call it


On trying to compile this, I get (exact error as it is compiled)

in path_to-startup.cc: undefined reference to function "hello()"

I do not think it is the printf because it explicitly gives me an undefined 
reference to hello :)

To me this looks like you don't actually link to your scc-sec library. Does your Makefile for bootstrap include something like


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