On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 00:16:44 -0700 (PDT)

> as I need some features, I forked. I'll be glad to add some of these
> features, but I don't know what features you would like. could we
> discuss it more precisely. For instance I don't know if you will need
> this 'universal right click'.

Send patches to this list and describe what feature they add. Try to make them 
as small as possible and only one patch one feature. If we do not find bugs in 
it and they do not destroy the world ;-) we will add them. And see the projects 
ideas wiki page and issue tracker for what are our plans and ideas for 
features. We are willing to discuss them here too. We need help and we would 
appreciate your help. Please join us you can still fork later.


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