
On Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 01:42:08PM +0200, Karol Szkudlarek wrote:
> I started using Labyrinth and at first view I liked it :-). But I have 
> problems with
> "intuitive" input text. In which mode I should type text in Edit Or 
> Drawing mode?

You should be in Edit Mode, by either selecting it in the menu or
clicking on the corresponding toolbar button. Then you click somewhere
on an empty spot on the canvas and can start typing

> And when I'm trying to put text I receive message on console:
> TypeError: commit_text() takes exactly 4 arguments (5 given)

Really strange, I can't reproduce that error.

> It will be great to see some documentation or help or wiki how to simple 
> use this app.

The trunk-version has documentation but it isn't registered with yelp. I
hope this will be fixed with the next release.

Matthias Vogelgesang
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