As requested, here is a log of the discussion.

<micah> hello
<matze> hi
<Bryan> hey
<micah> Matthias, this is one of my partners, Bryan.. the other is on
his way
<matze> alright
<micah> any word on Martin?
<matze> hmm, he said he would be here at 6pm
jmz209 has joined #labyrinth
<micah> and that's Jon, the other partner
<matze> ok :)
<jmz209> hello everyone
<matze> hi Jon
<micah> should we wait a bit more then?
<micah> maybe brief introductions while we wait..
<matze> yes, we can give him another 5 minutes
<micah> alright
<micah> so where are you from Matthias
<matze> I am from Karlsruhe, Germany
<micah> nice; I'm from NY originally, but studying in Pennsylvania
<matze> computer science I suppose?
<micah> actually computer engineering, so hardware as well
<jmz209> I'm studying here in Pennsylvania, US as well, though I'm
also from here
<jmz209> Computer Science and Business major here, though I'm mostly
focuesed on software development
<matze> I see
<micah> do you happen to know Martin personally, or just through
<matze> just through labyrinth
<matze> as I remember he became maintainer after don
<matze> and two weeks later I started sending in some patches
<micah> has don moved on then?
<matze> I don't really know
<micah> hmm, alright
<matze> he is maintainer of yelp, the GNOME browser and seemed to be
overloaded by work
<matze> wrong window
<micah> heh
<micah> well, we have some questions about where labyrinth is coming
from, and where you think it should go
<matze> ok
<matze> any specific ones?
<micah> sure
<micah> the most pressing being..
<micah> it seems like labyrinth wants to behave like tomboy
<micah> in the sense that it runs in the tray and can be accessed
quickly for short periods of time
<matze> that's right
<micah> can you explain the advantage you see with that model
<matze> well, you already said it. making a mind map should take very
minimal time
<matze> the problem is, many people see labyrinth as tomboy-visualized
<micah> hmm
<matze> it is not. in fact it accompanies tomboy, and tomboy
integration is high on the todo-list
<micah> i agree that making a map should be quick and easy, but I'm
not sure I see the value in the tomboy autosave model
<micah> ok
<matze> why not?
<matze> it's quite handy
<micah> tomboy is yes, because its all text.. sort of like jotting
down on paper
<matze> and it is centered on content not a document name someone has
to come up with
<micah> and maybe thats what labyrinth should be like
<micah> but it gets awkward when you want to share maps
<matze> that is true
<matze> and that was one of my first patches: exporting maps
<micah> and i find that may very well be the advantage to a visual map
over text
<matze> so, what would you propose?
<micah> i'm playing devils advocate here, because i do think there is
a ton of value in the tomboy model
<micah> which can be awkward for new users
<matze> that is true
mascha has joined #labyrinth
<micah> martin?
<mascha> yes. hello all
<matze> hi
<micah> hi
<jmz209> hello
<micah> matze, the only other argument i see against running it as an
applet would be frequency of use
<micah> i love making mind maps, but i don't know if I'd want to leave
it running in the background all the time
<matze> actually labyrinth is not an applet
<matze> it is supposed to become one
<matze> but it isn't
<micah> right
<micah> so if it becomes one, do you see users starting it with their
gnome session?
<mascha1> I start it with my session.
<matze> tough question
<micah> how often do you create new maps mascha1
<mascha1> a minimum of one per month
<micah> so does that warrant running it in the tray?
<micah> and again, let me just say that I'm not against running it as
an applet, i just think we need to make sure why it should be an
<mascha1> Possibly not. Application starting is now easier with tools
like gnome-do.
<micah> yea, i use gnome-do; it's great
<mascha1> A integration would make the tray unnecessary.
<micah> integration with tomboy?
<mascha1> No integration with gnome-do. How should a tomboy
integration look like?
<micah> not sure, but users have brought it up on the issues page
<matze> yes
<matze> that one struck my mind
<micah> yeah, i was looking for that
<micah> i have that mockup on my desktop actually
<mascha1> But the problem is that tomboy is only text no graphic.
<micah> i suppose integration would be limited to opening tomboy notes
from thoughts, or thoughts from tomboy notes
<mascha1> I do not see the benefits for me. For me would a integration
with a desktop search engine better. Because I search with this and
open the found map over this application.
<mascha1> Like you can do with gnome-do.
<micah> right
<micah> i was just going to say that
<Bryan> well changing it from an applet would also solve the window
closing problem where closing the loader closes the map.
<micah> you both know the code much better than we do; how hard would
it be to remove the initial window and instead make a tray applet?
<micah> and perhaps provide a search window that lets you filter
through your maps?
<mascha1> The tray already exists.
<matze> yes some started working on it
<micah> yeah, i saw that switch in the svn
<mascha1> The source code needs imho a big refactoring (rewrite).
<matze> indeed ;)
<micah> yeah, we've had trouble walking through it
<micah> but i don't know how committed you guys are for that kind of
<matze> well, at the moment I don't have that much time, maybe some
hours per week
<mascha> But the search would be easy because its only text files
<mascha> @micah. What version of labyrinth do you use?
<micah> for a while i used .4, but i've been playing with the latest
<micah> so the labyrinth should definitely head in the applet
direction then
<matze> I don't really know
<mascha> do you mean starting as applet by default?
<micah> right
<micah> would allow for better desktop integration, and moves beyond
the open / save paradigm
<matze> well there is no real open/save paradigm now too
<micah> there is for most desktop apps.. it seem like labyrinth is in
a funny position between a regular application, and an applet like
<matze> yes
<mascha> I am not sure because I startet working on labyrinth to fix
bugs I had during use and I am done for now. If I can motivate myself
to work on labyrinth any further then yes this would be a goal.
<micah> and based on what i've heard, it seems like moving towards an
applet is more in line with the original vision
<micah> its too bad don isn't hear to tell us his original intentions
<mascha> But a vision can change if the people behind the project
change. ;-)
<matze> he noticed some of his goals in a text file
<micah> which file?
<matze> this one
<mascha> In the last years my desktop usage changed very much to use
the keyboard only and use gnome-do .
<mascha> So for me the application goes in the direction for a better
keyboard usage and gnome-do application.
<matze> too bad I regularly change computers where I can't install
custom applications
<matze> keyboard is still a problem as well as a11y... :(
<micah> okay
<micah> we'll go over TheFuture document later as a group
<micah> does labyrinth run on windows?
<matze> yes, but I never verified it
<micah> do either of you have thoughts on that?
<mascha> Yes I thing so.
<matze> what thoughts?
<mascha> No because I do not use windows.
<micah> does providing that support add any clutter to the code?
<matze> a little bit
<mascha> Yes.
<matze> there are if platform == ... and so on
<mascha> One thing is gconf.
<Bryan> i wiill be back in about 5 min need to change rooms.
<mascha> We use it for storage of config values.
<micah> it seems to us that windows has its share of mind mapping
tools, and trying to stretch labyrinth to be cross platform isn't
worth it
<mascha> gtk is natively available for a lot of platforms (including
windows) python too
<matze> most mind mapping applications I encountered so far are too
heavy weight for my mind. so I think a lean app like labyrinth fits
windows too
<micah> would it require extra support to run in the windows tray as
opposed to the gnome?
<matze> I don't know
<mascha1> So we are cross platform like we can. But I anything about
why gconf aren't working there.
<mascha1> But I didn't know anything about why gconf aren't working
<mascha1> We need more input from windows users.
<micah> it seems to me that a windows port should come after a
polished product
<micah> the fact is, the Gnome desktop needs this, not windows
<micah> gnome users only real alternative seems to be freemind
<jmz209> unfortunately I have to bail out for now, but thank you all
for your time, and I left my additional thoughts with Micah
<micah> which is Java i believe
<micah> take care jmz209
jmz209 has quit
<micah> well that side, we should discuss some other things
<micah> one of the things that has come up on the issues page that we
feel labyrinth lacks is auto alignment of thoughts
<micah> which harkins back to what mascha1 said about using a keyboard
instead of a mouse
<mascha1> what mean harkins?
<matze> this shouldn't be a big deal imho
<micah> gets back to
<micah> i see you've added auto alignment options
<micah> manual*
<matze> no that's manual alignment
<micah> sorry
<micah> by definition, a mind map is different from a concept map by
the fact that it maintains a single root node
<matze> yes
<micah> we think that as you add thoughts, labyrinth should space out
thoughts to make the map neat without user intervention
<micah> how valuable is being able to freely place nodes?
<matze> I don't want to be restricted by a program
<matze> we thought about adding two modes: auto-layout and free layout
<micah> yeah
<micah> how about alternative views?
<micah> for auto formatting
<matze> which should look like?
<micah> a few examples would be..
<micah> root node in the center, children on the left and right only
<micah> root at the top, children below
<matze> hmm ok
<micah> or root on the bottom, children above, like a tree
<micah> when you say you don't want to be restricted by the program..
would you feel restricted if you could change the order after
labyrinth placed the node?
<matze> I don't really know
<matze> the problem is, that I don't restrict myself on paper too
<matze> I just draw the map and fill out spaces
<micah> right
<mascha> this sounds good to me
<micah> but if labyrinth placed them so it was easiest to read, you
wouldn't spend time placing them
<micah> which makes for faster map creation
<matze> yes thats right
<micah> which justifies labyrinth as an applet
<micah> a quick to use program
<matze> sorry but I have to leave now
<micah> alright, that's fine
<micah> thank you so much
<matze> if you could send the log to the list, it would be great
<micah> we'll keep in touch as we go
<micah> surely
<matze> ok, thanks
<matze> see you
<micah> alright, thanks again
matze has quit
<micah> alright, thanks mascha - we'll keep in touch
<mascha> thank you
<mascha> bye
<micah> see you later

On Nov 10, 2:35 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sun, 9 Nov 2008 15:00:07 -0800 (PST)
> Micah Micah wrote:
> > The old site says :"We can also (sometimes) be found on IRC
> on
> >, in #labyrinth." I figure we could just use
> that.
> 6pm GMT is ok for me. Lets try this channel.
> But it
> is possible that I am not reachable because I have problems with my
> network connection and to fix it is out of my sphere of influence.
> Bye,
> martin.
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