Susie wrote:

<That is just the way it is... I hate to say it, -- get on board the new one
or be left behind -- but that is the way of it.  New techniques and
advantages are in 5.5 that are not in 3.1  and those new things are great
additions.  They also speed up your access a wee bit.

I say Upgrade Ladies!>

And what about those whose machine specification won't support it? (Mine will.) Not everyone can afford to upgrade their computer, and, in any case, if it does mostly what they want it too, why should anyone try and make them? And as for not supporting anything other than Internet Explorer - well the web page writers have obviously got shares in Microsoft and want to encourage Bill Gates' monopoly trying to stop anyone having a Mac or being able to choose which browser they prefer.

If I can't access a web page, then that's just tough on the author of it - they could be missing out on business from me, but then that's their loss not mine.

Jean in Poole
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