On May 22, 2005, at 9:16, J.Falkink-Pol wrote:

It's a choice of the webmaster whether he/she considers something like 1-5%
as a lot.

Brenda wrote:
got an error page telling me that the browser I'm using is too old and that I should update to IE 5.5 (for Windows) That happened with Safari 1.3, Internet Explorer 5.2.3 for Mac, Netscape7 - all current versions.

 And Helen wrote:
it also doesn't work with Mozilla 1.7.7 which was only released a couple of months ago! >:-o

So I didn't even try it with Mozilla (my primary browser, updated regularly), but set the Firefox on it (also brand new) and it, too refused to work.

That's *5* browsers, all of them more stable than the Internet Explorer, for which reason they're recommended by most computer-knowledgeable people and quite popular. So I really think that between them they're likely to be used by much more than 1-1.5% of Internet-connected people.

And then David explained:
the checking script that is invoked when you hit the button locks out any browser that isn't Internet Explorer of version number 5.5 or higher.

That's *any* browser other than a newish Explorer, and that an Explorer for Windows only, not the one for Mac, however new.

So, simply updating a browser (as Susie from Illinois suggested) would't do a blind bit of good; I'd have to buy a new 'puter first, and make sure it ran off Windows. Which I won't do, as I switched to Mac for the very reason I hated the 'puter when I was using Windows. Since I've switched, I don't hate it anymore. Even though I'm no more 'puter literate now than I had been 3 yrs ago... :)

Perhaps Jean Nathan (in Poole) is right, and the writer has shares in Microsoft :) It wouldn't be the first time Microsoft tried to manipulate the market so as to assure itself of monopoly (remember the Java scandal?). But I think, in the long run, David's explanation:

If it had been written better (or later than 2002-3) it would have provided alternatives for the standards version of the DOM which I believe Firefox and Safari follow, as professional modern sites that employ this technology do.

is probably the correct one: poor and outdated (rather than updated) writing is the culprit. Or else the writer is someone with an overweening ego: "take my way, or the highway"... Well, I'm happy to take the highway; there are more interesting people there to meet :)

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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