Hi Tamara and everyone

> Take a scrap of fabric, ca 10"x3". Hem both short ends. Sew the two
> long ends (right side to right side) to make a tube, turn to the right
> side. Close one end of the tube, ca 1" away from the hemmed edge. Stuff

We were given these as favours at a lace event some years ago. They
were trimmed with bobbin lace made by the host group. No-one told us
what they were, and we in my group thought they were pincushions. Not
well-stuffed at that. By the time I understood their purpose, mine was
a bit beatup by pinholes. However it is seeing use properly now :)))
bye for now
Bev early on H/ween, rainy in Sooke BC (on Vancouver Island, west
coast of Canada)
Cdn. floral bobbins

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