I wrote:

In exploring a necessary change of administration of the
www.laceguild.org address I've managed to temporarily muck things up.

Please use http://www.laceguild.demon.co.uk for the moment.

It'll be fixed within a few days I hope.

Fixed. Now the compact website domain name registration and forwarding to our underlying web address are handled by the same company, so that should simplify things...

...However the e-mail forwarding is more problematical*. Anyone communicating with the Hollies and finding email bouncing later this month should try using a laceguild.demon.co.uk address instead of a laceguild.org address. If there is a problem I'll post details in the 'Stop Press' section of the website.


* If anyone knows of a company that just does e-mail forwarding at a reasonable rate, I'd be interested to hear.
Lace Guild home page: http://www.laceguild.org
(alternative if problems: http://www.laceguild.demon.co.uk/)

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