Hi Susan,

Your discovery reminded me of Lenka Suchanek’s lace pieces inspired by 
microscopic images of cell structures. They were part of the Love Lace 
exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney. She called her collection of 
pieces, Are we made of lace? They can still be seen at:


I’m anxious to see how your experiment develops. 

Vicki in Maryland, USA

Hello All!  As some of you know, I was lucky enough to get a seat in Jane 
Atkinson's IOLI class in Iowa.  In her pre-event notes, she asked us to bring 
inspirational materials to class.  My plan was to take the April issue of 
"Flowers" magazine in which there was an article about X-ray floral 
photography.  The accompanying photos are stunning as the underlying structure 
of the flowers are revealed.  Some pictures are black & white, others are color 
manipulated, almost kaleidoscopic.  Several artists were featured, notably Hugh 
Turvey.  I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when I looked at the 
icons on my iPad.  Being tech challenged, naturally I have no idea what most of 
them mean or do, but I touched Photo Booth.  OMG!!!  X-ray, kaleidoscope & 
thermal camera reached out to grab me.  These are special effects (there are 
others) that may be applied to any picture I take.  A photo of the eaves of my 
house turned into a white & tan geometric design.  X-ray & therma!
 l photos of plant materials resulted in Turvey-esque pictures.  So what 
started out as an inspirational magazine article is now a power in my own 
hands.  If you who want to "do your own thing" with form & color, you may wish 
to explore this interesting feature of your Apple device.  Having heard Sandi 
Woods' herring story (for Fishies on Dishies), I just had to share this!  I can 
hardly wait to see what sort of lace develops from this experiment.  Sincerely, 
Susan Hottle, Erie, PA, USA

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