Hmm.... I do not think it would affect the bobbin turners too much Jane.  I, 
for one, would far sooner use a beautiful hand turned wood or bone bobbin by 
those bobbin turners out there rather than one made of plastic!!  (Thinking 
here of the likes of Sixpenny Bobbins, Stuart Johnson, Chris Parsons and others 
whose names do not spring to mind at present) and I have a number of all of 
their bobbins in use at the moment!!) However, there are lacemakers around who 
only ever use plastic bobbins.... each to his own!!  Some 'collect' bobbins 
from certain turners (thinking of the bobbin a month clubs), and I can't really 
see them stopping unless something 'drastic' happened!!

Back down off soapbox and into the garden because it's sunny here today!!

Sue in East Yorkshire

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