So sorry to hear of your loss, Sue T. , - just remember all the Happy memories
of your Mother.  How nice that you have been given back the lace you made for
her, and that she obviously treasured. Now you can keep it safe. Too.
Those wedding garters  are appreciated by the various brides, I am sure, - and
good that you have got them back for future use.

Making lace is wonderful “therapy”  and it is nice when others appreciate
our efforts.

I must go and sort out some lace to wear on Sunday, when I am demonstrating
Lacemaking at a Pioneer Cottage near here, at their Annual Open Day!

I must look out for the new IOLI Bulletin which is now out and about. Thank
you for letting us know there is one “in the post”

Regards from Liz. in cold, grey, wintery Melbourne, Oz.

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