My earliest books were the 1970s version of the Margaret Maidment book, Louisa
Tebbs book (by the same publisher), and the little Amy Dawson book. Then we
got the Pam Notting ham’s mixed laces book, and Pam Robinsons book, and so

I found some classes here in an outer suburb of Melbourne in 1977, just after
a trip back to England where I bought the Miss Channers book, and a few
plastic bobbins, as I had decided to learn lacemaking while on the trip. I had
done one small 9 pin edge with my Grandmother when I was about 19 but had not
followed it up. Suddenly I decided to have another go  , and with my early
teenaged daughter who was also interested we got started – I went to class,
then came home and taught her!! (well, she had to go to school every day so
could not come to Lacemaking with me!) – and we are both still making

 Kant Magazines were available – but not in English. And the Australian Lace
Guild was just starting up – and is still going strong!!

Regards from Liz.

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