I had considered the digest people and decided I had no idea how long it would be before a digest came out and just needed to get these things out of my house while I had some time to deal with them. So I was sorry not to have contacted everyone on the list with my 5 day offer but I really didn't want to have emails coming in about the subject for a month


------ Original Message ------
From: "Janice Blair" <jbl...@sbcglobal.net>
To: "lace" <lace@arachne.com>
Sent: 9/29/2020 11:27:07 AM
Subject: [lace] : Free Battenburg patterns & calendar

Hi Sue,Just wanted to point out that I receive the digest version of Arachne
and as emails are less frequent these days it takes a long time for a digest
to come and even then it only contains about 6 emails. Anyway, your offer was
seen today, September 29, by me and probably many others who get the digest.
If anyone offers a raffle in the future maybe you can set a date about a month
out so everyone has a chance.
I am getting my lace fix these days in Zoom meetings of guilds I belong to and
working on new designs which will hopefully be in the Bulletin and Lace in the
next year. I have my Christmas lace already done, including my Arachne
exchange. I think this Covid thing will be around for a long time which is a
Janice Blair Murrieta, CA, jblace.com

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