On Mon, May 17, 1999 at 06:12:17PM +1000, Ross MOORE wrote:
> Thanks for the input Uli.
> > b) Provide a link in any frame to the current tf_frame
> Interesting idea.  Where should it go,
> to not look offensive when the view is already from the  tf_frame ?
> Is this acceptable, at the very top, preceding the <H1>...</H1> ?
> <SMALL><A HREF="file_tf.html">Frames view</A></SMALL>
> </P>
> Further comments welcome.
> Regards,
>       Ross Moore

Size and location sound right to me (giving it the same
appearance as the `refresh' link?), but if you do add
such a link, perhaps whether it appears or not should be
controlled by an option, similar to NO_FRAME_HELP.

This ups the number of redundant links to two: the
contents button in the navigation frame is a redundant
link in the default setup when in the contents view.


Offtopic: It might be nice if the contents button could
be dropped when in the contents view, or `grayed-out' to
give the same behaviour as the other buttons.
Alternatively, when in the contents view the `contents'
button could be replaced by a button that swaps back to
the 3 frame view. Perhaps there is a way of doing this

As it stands, there is an asymmetry in the way that views
are switched.  This is perhaps more apparent when the 4
frame view is the default.  

For my application, I may drop the button entirely and
stick with a 4 frame view, provided lynx users are not
adversely affected. (Arguably, another redundancy in the
4 frame view is the contents link in the toc.  Even so,
frame.pl produces an effective result.)

Dr. Chris Fox   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    Tel/Fax: +44(0)171 919 7856/7853
Mathematical & Computing Sciences, Goldsmiths College, London SE14 6NW
Pager: +44(0)1523 162 097       URL:http://homepages.gold.ac.uk/chris/

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