
I still have some problems with some equation stuff in latex2html 99.1 
(which I didn't have in 98.1). 

First, when I use subequation the equation numbering becomes all wrong
after that, it's like 
(1.1) (1.2) (1.3a) (1.3b) (c) (d) (1.5a) (1.5b) (f) ... 
where 1.3 and 1.5 use subequations. In the next section it
starts over with (a) (b) ...

The second problem is with bmatrix within gather- or align-style 
equations. This gives errors like
 *** failed to find \end for: \begin<#4451#>bmatrix<#4451#> 
and the matrices are all messed up. My workaround is to put these 
equations inside a makeimage environment.

The file I've been testing on is in
http://www.hallf.lth.se/~hlam/tl2hlic/lic/lic and the TeX-files in the 
library above. 

   __    _  _  ____   ____  ____   ___
  /__\  ( \( )(  _ \ ( ___)(  _ ) / __) Anders Magnusson
 /(__)\  )  (  )(_) ) )__)  ) _ \ \__ \ Dept. of Solid Mechanics
(__)(__)(_)\_)(____/ (____)(__)\_)(___/ Lund University
Phone +46 46 2223079, fax +46 46 2224620  Box 118, 221 00 Lund, SWEDEN
http://www.hallf.lth.se/~hlam/    e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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