Well, this bit of LaTeX has given L2H some headaches in the past,
and here they are again. :-)

First, here's how it is supposed to look:


That was the result of processing with the latest version back in
March 1999 (99.2 developer's, that I had put some patches in, which
eventually made it into the floor version).

Now, here's how it looks with 99.2alpha8:


Notice that all the terms are not properly colored, even in the text
at the bottom.

L2H did squawk at a mathstrut:

  1/2:subsection:.,$_$...."SPN Temporal Discretization" for node1.html
  ignoring \mathstrut $^$_$,$,$.,$.$_
  Unknown commands: mathstrut

I'm including the LaTeX at the end of this email. Usually what happens 
in this situation is that Ross tells me why the LaTeX I'm writing is
non-standard, and I learn something about LaTeX in the process. :-)

Thanks again to all the maintainers of this great program!


Dr. Michael L. Hall               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               
Los Alamos National Laboratory    <http://www.lanl.gov/home/Hall>      
P.O. Box 1663, MS-D409            Research: computational physics, radiation 
Los Alamos, NM 87545              transport, heat pipes, numerical modeling, 
ph: 505-665-4312                  fluid dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics       


% Redefine equation beginnings and endings to have no numbers.


%   Page 8
\newcommand{\dxdt}[1]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial t}}
\newcommand{\ddto}{\frac{\partial}{\partial t}}
\newcommand{\fn}[1]{\left( #1 \right)}


\subsection{$SP_N$ Temporal Discretization}
Radiation transport equations:
 \textcolor{blue}   {\frac{1}{c} \ddto \xi_{m,g}} + 
 \textcolor{blue}   {\div \gammamg} + 
 \textcolor{blue}   {\sigma_g^t \xi_{m,g}} =
 \textcolor{red}    {\sigma_g^s \phi_g} + 
 \textcolor{green}  {\sigma_g^e B_g} + 
 \textcolor{magenta}{\csg} \; ,
 \textcolor{blue}   {\frac{1}{c} \ddto \gammamg} + 
 \textcolor{blue}   {\mu^2_m \grad \xi_{m,g}} +
 \textcolor{blue}   {\sigma_g^t \gammamg} =
for $m=1,M$, and $g=1,G$.

Temperature equations:
 \textcolor{blue}   {C_{vi} \dxdt{T_i}} & = & 
 \textcolor{blue}   {\alpha\fn{T_e-T_i}} + 
 \textcolor{magenta}{Q_i} \; , \\
 \textcolor{blue}   {C_{ve} \dxdt{T_e}} & = & 
 \textcolor{blue}   {\alpha\fn{T_i-T_e}} + 
 \textcolor{magenta}{Q_e} + 
 \textcolor{green}  {\sum_{g=1}^{G} \fn{\sigma_g^a \phizg - \sigma_g^e B_g}} \; ,
 \textcolor{blue}   {Blue}    & = & \mbox{Implicit or backwards Euler terms}, \\
 \textcolor{magenta}{Magenta} & = & \mbox{Explicit or extrapolated implicit 
                                          terms}, \\
 \textcolor{red}    {Red}     & = & \mbox{Implicit terms accelerated by DSA}, \\
 \textcolor{green}  {Green}   & = & \mbox{Linearized implicit terms accelerated 
                                          by LMFG}.
\begin{small} \noindent
This is not quite accurate --- it's actually more complicated than
this --- but this captures the flavor of the temporal discretization.


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