The double-quotes around PANEL cause the parser to see:


as the quoted string.  You should either eliminate the quotes, or
escape them.

I want to set a class attribute for the top navigation panel, but
l2h complains. Can CLASS be added to the list of operators?

Regards, Steffen

The error message and the (not working) source snippet is following:

>-- Bareword found where operator expected at ./.latex2html-init line 43, near >"<SPAN 
>  (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 42)
>        (Missing operator before PANEL?)
>String found where operator expected at ./.latex2html-init line 66, near """
>  (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 43)
>        (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
>syntax error at ./.latex2html-init line 43, near "<TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" >CLASS="PANEL"

Here's the .latex2html code I wanted to use:

> sub top_navigation_panel {
>     <TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\">
>       <TR> 
>         <TD VALIGN=top>
>         <A HREF=\"\">
>          <IMG vspace=4 hspace=10 BORDER=0
>         </A>
>         </TD>
>         <TD ALIGN=center>
>           <B>
>             <h3> 
>               <FONT SIZE=6>I</FONT>NTEGRIERTE
>               <FONT SIZE=6>S</FONT>CHALTUNGEN UND 
>               <FONT SIZE=6>S</FONT>YSTEME
>             </h3>
>           </B>
>           <h3> $title </h3>
>         </TD>  
>       </TR>
>     </TABLE>
>   </SPAN>
>   <IMG SRC=\"\" 
>     WIDTH=\"100%\">
> "
> }

|   Steffen Klupsch                Alexanderstr. 10, D-64283 Darmstadt |
|   TU Darmstadt - FB Inf(20) - FG Integrierte Schaltungen und Systeme |
|   Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        |
|   URL  : |
|   Phone:   (+49)6151/16-6650                  Fax: (+49)6151/16-4810 |

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