This appears to be a real bug in l2h figure handling. My test case indicates that figures are cropped to their original size despite any magnification by \resizebox{}. Therefore, \resizebox may shrink figures but not enlarge them. Evidently, the -crop argument to gs needs to be multiplied by the magnification factor in pstoimg, or something like that.

-- jos

At 04:20 PM 5/18/1999, Greg Gamble wrote:
On Tue, 18 May 1999, Amy Mossman wrote:
> I'm a new user of latex2html and I've got a problem that has completely
> baffled me. I have some, but not all, figures that are cut off when they
> are translated to gif. I have a PostScript file with a bounding box
> inlcuded in the latex file with includegraphics
> \begin{figure}[htbp]
> \centering
> \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{hz43_psf.epsi}}
> \caption[On-axis point spread function
> (Section \ref{sec:spat_resp:inflight})]{The point spread function
> from a long exposure of HZ43.}\label{fig:hz43_psf}
> \end{figure}
> The gif image that is made from this postscript file is only the
> bottom portion of the figure. I have tried including the bounding
> box parameters from the postscript file and the figure is still
> cut off.
> If anyone has any insight, I would love to hear it!


  I don't know if this will fix things, but why are you using
\resizebox? I always use the * version of \includegraphics
provided by the graphicx package, which allows one to specify a
width i.e. put

\usepackage{graphicx} % instead of `graphics'
                      %                    ^

in the preamble ... and use:


in lieu of


(the height is scaled in the same proportion unless you also
specify a height ... in the options [] you would do something like:
[width=\textwidth,height=4cm] ... if you were to want this.)


  Greg Gamble
Greg Gamble   __________________        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Centre for Discrete Mathematics & Computing    Tel: +61-7 336 52425
Department of Computer Science                 Fax: +61-7 336 54999
      & Electrical Engineering
The University of Queensland, Queensland 4072 AUSTRALIA

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