I am a latex (and latex2html) beginner user and use them (from just 1 month or little more) to study tex mathematical document for university courses (first year). Latex2html is currently and correctly installed on my local system (Windows XP sp3 32-bit), but I have a strange (and very annoying) problem: generating html (3.2, 4.0, 4.1, is the same thing) from tex file, I often receive in output one (or more) page where some long formulas (especially in the array element) are reported in a strange broken format in ALT tag of images. Viewing HTML source, then, I have seen that (this thing is very strange) the MATH content is correctly imported by tex source file, and also the images are correctly generated.
An example?

<!-- MATH
 $\displaystyle {\lim_{n \to +\infty}} a^n = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
+\infty \ & \ a>1, \\
1 \ & a=1, \\
0 \ & |a|<1, \\
\nexists \ & a \leq -1. \end{array} \right.$
ALT="$ \displaystyle {\lim_{n \to +\infty}} a^n = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
+\infty \...
...a=1, \\
0 \ amp; \vert a\vertlt;1, \\
\nexists \ amp; a \leq -1. \end{array} \right. $">

In the images.log file there is no error... I am updated miktex package and nothing changes, I have tryed to modify some settings in l2conf.pm, but nothing changes... I have to convert a tex that, in pdf, results 107 pages, and in HTML many too files, and this strange thing is potentially present 48 times! I should copy manually the tex formula everytime...
Help me!
Thanks in advance...
P.s.: I am Italian, so excuse me for my English... that is not very good.
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