Here is more information on this issue of unwanted black line segments under especially the .html equivalent of a portion of the LaTeX command \in\limits _{-\infty}^{+\infty}. For LaTeX and LaTeX2HTML use currently I am using an OpenSUSE-11.3 Linux operating system; LaTeX2e of September 24, 2009; LaTeX2HTML Version 2008 (1.71); Netpbm 10.35.74-2.21.i586 (Netpbm 10.35.74 compiled on July 5, 2010); and, according to the LaTeX2HTML output, dvips(k) 5.98 of the year 2009.

1) My test LaTeX file Throwaway7.tex contained a portion of a LaTeX command that was close to \int\limits _{-\infty}^{+\infty}. The command "latex Throwaway7.tex" produced the file Throwaway7.dvi. After opening that .dvi file with the program Okular there was no black line segment underlining the integral sign and its limits. So this prompts a conceivable workaround solution that ought to work to produce the integral sign and its limits without the undesirable black line segment in a .html file using LaTeX2HTML:

Conceivable workaround solution A

a) Print onto paper the page of the .dvi file containing the desired mathematical expression without an unwanted black line segment underlining it.

b) Scan that piece of paper with a scanner. For the scanner program used with my scanner unfortunately .png (Portable Network Graphics) is not among the available choices of formats for scanned files; however, even if I could produce a .png document with my scanning program, I would not know how to make LaTeX2HTML use it as a portion of an equation. So instead I could choose the Mult-Tagged Image File Format, .tif file for the scanned file and in the next step work with it.

c) With the Gnu Not Unix (GNU) Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) 2.6.8 I could conceivably convert the .tif file to an Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) file suitable for use as a figure in a .tex, LaTeX document.

d) Run latex and latex2html.... commands on the resulting .tex file to produce mathematical expressions without the undesired black line segments under some of them.

Conceivable workaround solution B

In the .tex file define $a=-\infty$ and $b=+\infty$. Then in the equation for normally \int\limits _{-\infty}^{+\infty} instead use \int\limits _{a}^{b}.

2) Some old solutions to eliminating unwanted, black line segments which unfortunately failed for me this time in an OpenSUSE-11.3, Linux operating system using LaTeX2HTML Version 2008 (1.71):

a) In the file /usr/lib/latex2html/ with the line $DVIPSOPT .=" -Pdpf" already commented out with a # in front of it, as suggested by Shigeharu Takeno in at least August of 2009, also commenting out the line $DVIPSOPT = ' -Ppdf -E'; .

b) Running from on the Internet with a command like this: "./ Directory" in the directory above "Directory" to generate new and/or fixed .png images in the directory called "Directory."

I think that probably each of these methods "a" and "b" was successful in eliminating some undesired, vertical, black line segments in .png images in the year 2009 for me in an openSuSE-11.1 Linux operating system using probably LaTeX2HTML 1.70.

3) I experimented with using small font sizes for the limits of integration of positive and negative infinity, like for example this: \int\limits _{\mbox{\fontsize{1}{1}\selectfont $-\infty$}}^{\mbox{\fontsize{1}{1}\selectfont $+\infty$}}. But doing that did not eliminate the unwanted black line segment underneath the integral sign. However, interestingly changing the upper limit to a digit like 0 or 1 did eliminate the unwanted black line segment under the integral sign. But having 0 as the upper limit of integration is not what one would normally want when the upper limit is supposed to be positive infinity. One could probably write the equivalent of "-infinity integral to + infinity" instead as "-infinity integral to 0" minus "+infinity integral to 0". But I would like to avoid eliminating the unwanted black line segments in that perhaps awkward-looking way.

4) It might be useful for some other people to try this experiment in a test LaTeX file called, say Test.tex:

\int\limits _{-\infty}^{\infty}

, and then to issue the commands "latex Test.tex" and "latex2html nonavigation -no_math -html version 3.2,math -split 0 Test.tex". Then in the resulting output file Test.html if there is no unwanted black line segment under the resulting integral sign, please report to us the versions of the following software packages you used:

Netpbm (For example obtain its version via the command "netpbm -version" or "Netpbm -version" in a Linux operating system.) dvips (Please look at the output after a latex2html command for the version of dvips you are using.) LaTeX2HTML (Please look at the output after a latex2html command for the version of LaTeX2HTML you are using.)

and what form of the command $DVIPSOPT... is uncommented out, if any, and what values there are for the commands $MATH_SCALE_FACTOR=... and $ your file, which in my OpenSUSE-11.3, Linux operating system appears in the directory /usr/lib/latex2html. Perhaps there is some modern combination of software in which the unwanted black line segment does not appear under the integral sign and its limits. Or else if someone has a working solution to avoid the problem of the unwanted horizontal line segment, I would like to know what it is and what the details of your software environment are.


From: "Pat Somerville" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:24 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [l2h] Black bars under integral signs when the limitsofintegrationare -\infty and +\infty or an algebraicfraction for each of the upper and lower limits

Thanks, JOS, for kindly taking the time to reply to me.  Did you find your
workaround solutions to eliminate unwanted black line segments to work in a
version of LaTeX2HTML different from the one I am using?  I tried the two
workaround solutions you mentioned with LaTeX2HTML Version 2008 (1.71):

1) $DVIPSOPT = ' '; in the file /usr/lib/latex2html/ in place of
$DVIPSOPT .= " -E";              ;

2) Including the line "transform round exch round exch itransform" right
after the line "gsave newpath" in the file
/usr/lib/texmf/dvips/config/ [The path for the file
is slightly different in LaTeX2HTML Version 2008 (1.71) than the path
mentioned within the version of the file replacing
in LaTeX2HTML Version 2008 (1.71).].

And for the tests I returned to "$MATH_SCALE_FACTOR=1.6;", without the
double quotation marks, within the file /usr/lib/latex2html/ But
unfortunately in my case the workaround 1 and the combination of the
workarounds 1 and 2 did not remove the unwanted black line segment
underneath an integral sign in the .html file produced by a latex2html
command working with the .tex file containing the LaTeX command \int\limits
_{-\infty}^{+\infty} within an equation environment.  I also tried single
quotation marks or apostrophes in place of double quotation marks in the
line $DVIPSOPT = " -E"; in the file; but still the unwanted black line segments remained within the produced .html file. So I still request
help to remove the unwanted black line segments underneath some of my
integral signs.


From: "jos" <>
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 5:02 PM
To: "Pat Somerville" <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [l2h] Black bars under integral signs when the limits ofintegrationare -\infty and +\infty or an algebraic fraction for each of the upper and
lower limits

Here is how I got around the black-bar problem:

- jos

At 12:15 PM 4/11/2011, Pat Somerville wrote:
Thanks, Nasser M. Abbasi, for kindly taking the time to reply to me.  I
found the file /usr/lib/latex2html/  In it among other lines
the following lines existed, but not necessarily consecutively:

$DVIPSOPT .=" -E"; (Please notice the period before the equals sign.)



So after receiving your e-mail letter I changed two of those lines to


Results in the .html file produced by LaTeX2HTML: The black line segment
under the integral sign with the limits of integration having algebraic
fractions in them was removed. But the black line segments under integral
signs produced from the LaTeX commands containing \int\limits
_{-\infty}^{+\infty} remained.  Those were probably among 27 reported
errors on 27 images.  I don't know with which images all of the other
errors were. But I think I remember at least one pnmcrop-related error
while latex2html was processing my .tex file.

Next I changed to $MATH_SCALE_FACTOR=2.0; in the file and
otherwise did not change any other lines in that file.

Results: There were errors on 27 images.  The black segment under the
integral sign with algebraic fractional limits returned.

Continuing with the same settings in I made a test, .tex file
containing some commands very similar to

\int\limits _{-\infty}^{+\infty}

and then produced a .html file from that .tex file using a latex2html...
command.  In the resulting .html file a black line segment existed under
the integral sign with the limits of positive and negative infinity. What should I do now to try to eliminate the unwanted black line segments under
some of the integral signs?  Note also that there were also around 20
images with errors reported while latex2html attempted to generate them;
and in detail I don't yet know what obvious problems there were, if any,
with the associated mathematical symbols associated with the images for
which errors were reported by LaTeX2HTML.


From: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <>
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 1:37 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [l2h] Black bars under integral signs when the limits
ofintegrationare -\infty and +\infty or an algebraic fraction        for
each of the upper and lower limits

On 4/10/2011 10:29 PM, Pat Somerville wrote:

Question: What can I do to eliminate all of such examples of unwanted
black bars
 underneath some of the integral signs?

This sounds like the same known problem which was mentioned here some
time ago?

Check  and look for

item (2) under "some errors and possible solutions"

Here it is:

"some of the bitmap images produced for the mathematics in the
document have a solid dark bar, usually at the bottom or the
side of the bitmap image. The reason for this is unknown.
But I found by trial and error that setting the following
values in my eliminated most if not all of these



Something to try to see if it will fix your problem.

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