Thanks, Jean-Pierre Chretien, for kindly taking the time to write to me. I wrote to Philippe Faist to attempt to obtain help using KLaTeXFormula using his e-mail address provided on, the Web reference you kindly provided to me.


From: "Jean-Pierre Chrétien" <>
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 8:40 AM
To: "Pat Somerville" <>
Subject: Re: [l2h] Where may I find instructions on how to use KLaTeXFormula?

Le 05/11/2012 06:38, Pat Somerville a écrit :
Hello.  After downloading and installing updates to software packages in
my openSUSE-12.2, Linux operating system and then in editing a .tex file
in the text editor, probably Kate, I noticed something new: A window
appeared with an image of how a mathematical expression or equation
would look in perhaps a context-sensitive menu appearing near the LatTeX
code for that equation. Recently I have that feature somehow
deactivated. But maybe that feature could be useful for me once I know
how to deal with it. Perhaps one way to have it could be to know how to
turn it on when one really wants to see how an equation would look
without typing the usual latex..... and/or latex2html........ commands.
So this might be a time-saving feature for the editor of LaTeX code.
Where may I find instructions on how to use that KLaTeXFormula feature,
including how to activate and deactivate it? If that information is
located in a manual that I might already have in a year-2011, TeX Live
installation, please provide a command or instructions by which I may
access the appropriate pages or lines in such a manual.

Seems that KLaTeXFormula is a standalone application
There may be a plugin in Kate for it, but I do not use this editor, so I can't tell you how to (de)activate it.

If you are looking for a tex equation editor, you may take a look at LyX (, which includes such a tool, among many features to ease LaTeX access, as it is a frontend to LaTeX. It includes also a formula viewer which can be activated through
Tools>Preferences>Look&Feel>Display>Instant preview.


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