On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 16:35 +0100, Matthew Revell wrote:
> On 27/09/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How about to show in our account some message / image saying "New
> > Release is Out" centered before the "Actions" menu and linked to the
> > article in the LP News ?
> >
> > I personally is rare to check the frontpage of LP, I go directly to my
> > account.
> Interesting. If we had an alert in the header, that was across all of
> LP, that would make it visible to you even though you don't visit the
> front page.

Yes, I second what gothicx and Christopher said.  I use Launchpad almost
every weekday, but rarely see the front page, and a link there would be
just enough.

Ideally the prominence would be proportional to the impact of the
change.  If Launchpad added some new features which I'll probably
discover eventually anyhow, that's nice, draw it in a muted color.  If a
major change like autoexpiry or scheduled downtime is coming up, draw it
in bold red.


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