Am Dienstag, 27. April 2010 02:42:35 schrieb Paul Rogers:
> > How about one of these straits:
> Darwin Straits in Tierra del Fuego?
> I've always thought the Skagerrak & Kattegat were neat names.
> Maybe a bit wide, depending on how narrow one thinks a "strait"
> should be.


the UnNamedOne was a "design study" two years ago by Martin Hejl, which is 
different from Andrews work.

That said I hope that both efforts will end up in a joint project, which may 
(or should?) get a new name. Not only that it is based on a 2.6 kernel and it 
marks the end of floppy-runnable versions, it shall change the model  that 
just a small, and somewhat closed, group of developers are responsible for a 
stable version of the core and all additional applications/packages. Instead 
the LEAF developers community shall be responsible to provide the best and 
most stable version we can reach.
So it's a more open approach than we had with Bering and Bering-uClibc.

However, your suggestions are appreciated, they are easy to spell and write, 
not to mention, that I'm living near the Kattegat and Skagerag area :)

I think, once Andrew commits his work into src, we can try to build a new beta 
version and to go on from there with a new name, with a new repository - and 
if necessary with a new version control system. But lets have the code first.



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