Am Samstag, 2. Oktober 2010, 22:10:57 schrieb davidMbrooke:
> Hi kp,
> Good news - hostapd works for me!
> (Well, good news for me anyway :-} )
> On Sat, 2010-10-02 at 19:57 +0100, davidMbrooke wrote:
> > > Would you mind to give hostapd a test? I'm starting to get the
> > > impresson it's a PEBKAC rather than a ath5k/hostapd pb.
> > 
> > I will certainly try hostapd; not something I have ever tried before. I
> > will try now and hopefully report my findings in 1 - 2 hours.
> I'm using .11g and I tried it with no encryption (works fine) and again
> with WPA2 (works fine). As you can see from the log the client
> Associates OK and then gets an IP address. From your earlier mails I
> understand this procedure was failing for you.

Thx dMb;

finally it was me :)

Your success encouraged me to search the pb elsewhere, but not in the 
driver/hostapd any longer.

And a few minutes later it was done:

After the new kernel and gcc enabled the ath5k driver, I missed to change 
dnsmasq's listen interface from old ath to new wlan interface. 
( I changed it previously at the time the driver did not completly start while 
testing, but didn't save the config due to the massive changes and choosed the 
safe way to just reboot to an working config - over time I forgot that step).

thx for your help.


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