
thx for your comprehensive feedback!

Am Mittwoch, 8. September 2010, 13:20:51 schrieb TF !:
> I thought I'd share what I could recall of having setup my LEAF router to
> support tor routing. It's pretty easy to setup and works very well IMO.
> tor written by the kind folks at EFF and is discussed here:
> -
> https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Tor_%28anonymity_network%29
> - https://www.torproject.org/overview.html.en
> Two preliminary notes:
> a) contrary to what is listed as all the dependency LRP's for the tor.lrp
> package, privoxy.lrp is NOT required.
> b) the tor version *listed* on the Packages page didn't get updated
> congruent with KP's June 2010 executable update - though it says
> "Version: Rev 2 uClibc 0.9.28"
> it should actually read
> "Version: Rev 2 uClibc 0.9.28"
> (the "tor.version" file in tor.lrp correctly identifies this)
> This version is, as of June 2010, the current version of the tor code.

Both (minor) issues has been corrected with todays update of the "Packages 
3.x" page.

> (PS, should I put in a vote for 'tor working under BuC v4' going onto the
> list? : )

The 2.1.26 version compiles without errors and at least starts in my qemu test 
environment, though it hasn't to do real work...


> ====================================
> Wow, am I the only person using tor on a LEAF router? Couldn't find any
> discussion in this or -devel list about it?!
> Here's my experience:
> - I'm installing the tor package onto my LEAF router which is BuC v3.1.1
> beta3
> - router is addy on the internal, LAN interface
> - I'll be wanting to control it (using tor's ControlPort) from a Windows XP
> PC on my internal LAN
> - I'll be wanting to browse the web via this tor daemon, from that Win box,
> by way of a SOCKS proxy configured in Google's Chrome browser
> - All done: it's pretty easy to setup and 'just works'. I'm tickled so far.
> - I didn't use privoxy - it'll be easier for anyone to setup tor without
> privoxy (at least at first, for isolating any problems)
> To users, here's a sort of walk-thru to get tor up and running...
> ---- Aside: Using a windows-based config/monitoring client called Vidalia
> (from the makers of tor) I can connect to the tor daemon and perform
> rudimentary monitoring and control tasks (all features of Vidalia except
> the 'map' work - I can 'ChangeMyIdentity' as well as monitor total
> bandwidth in/out of the tor daemon)
> ---- Aside: Note that in the config if there's no password set (by way of
> parm 'HashedControlPassword') on the Control Port that no *remote* machine
> can connect to the control port
> Let's setup now:
> ---- so have a running LEAF router
> ---- install the tor package via: apkg -i tor
> ---- edit* [see below]  the tor config file via the usual lrcfg proggie
> ---- edit shorewall rules to permit LAN traffic on ports 9051 & 9100/9200
> (and internet-facing traffic on 9001 if acting as a MiddleMan or Exit
> node). ---- "Save configuration" via lrcfg
> ---- adjust leaf package list to include tor.lrp PLUS dependencies:
> tor.lrp
> libssl.lrp
> libcrpto.lrp
> lpthread.lrp
> libz.lrp
> libevent.lrp
> privoxy.lrp (not actually required tho)
> ---- now boot router to reload all packages incl tor
> I use Google Chrome to browse via tor and must tell it to use the proxy via
> a command-line switch (I'm using the incognito mode too, as you can see):
> "C:\Documents and Settings\Name\Local Settings\Application
> Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -incognito
> --proxy-server="socks5://"
> If using IE then I think that these settings will work to setup the socks
> proxy:
> - in IE to configure SOCKS proxy use:
> ---- under menu Tools/Options/tab=Connections/LANsettings
> ---- place checkmark in "Use a proxy server for your LAN (These
> settings..." ---- click Advanced button
> ---- have all "Proxy address to use" settings blank EXCEPT for "Socks:" and
> set that to "" (or your LEAF router's hostname), and the "Port
> " setting for SOCKS to be "9100" (or 9200).
> ---- UNcheck the setting "Use the same proxy server for all protocols"
> ---- Click ok to save settings.
> - At this point you should be able to use Chrome/IE on your Windows PC to
> browse the web via the tor daemon on your LEAF box - try visiting
> https://check.torproject.org/ since it'll tell you if you are connected via
> tor or not. If so then you now have a tor 'server', running as a client
> into the tor network.
> Though you're now running as a 'client', meaning your own TCP traffic
> (socks proxied to port 9100/92000) is anonymized, you're not yet
> contributing back to the tor community by being a "Middleman node" or even
> an "Exit node".
> To get into that maybe start by reading at:
> http://en.linuxreviews.org/HOWTO_setup_a_Tor-server
> ========================================
> About Vidalia to control your tor daemon:
> - If you'd like to use the nifty Vidalia GUI in Windows (probably linux
> too) to control/monitor your tor daemon here's how:
> ---- one caveat - Vidalia re-writes the /etc/tor/torrc file on the router
> and thus removes any comments & prettifying ... so BE WARNED
> ---- In general, Vidalia is designed to be run on the same PC as a
> Windows/Linux version of the tor daemon, which we're NOT doing, so we need
> to kludge it to support a *remote* server
> ---- install Vidalia; find it here:
> http://www.torproject.org/vidalia/dist/vidalia-0.2.9.msi
> ---- run it, go into its settings
> ---- tab=general; section=tor; change the tor exe to be "cmd.exe" (no
> quotes)
> ---- remove checkmarks from both 'auto-run' options if so desired - no harm
> in leaving them active though
> ---- tab=advanced; section=ControlPort
> -------- address= : 9051
> -------- Authentication=Password
> -------- Remove checkmark from RandomlyGenerate
> -------- enter the my_chosen_password you used in the "tor --hash-password"
> command previously
> ---- click ok to save settings
> ---- now click on StartTor button
> ---- Caution: if you use the 'Stop Tor' button on Vidalia you'll have to
> manually restart tor on the LEAF router (e.g. via 'svi tor restart')
> ---- Vidalia seems to work and be possibly useful - bandwidth graph &
> counter works, UseANewIdentity too, though the map ("View the Network")
> doesn't
> ========================================
> *: edits needed in /etc/tor/torrc config file...
> ---- my setup: change setting "SocksPort" to be "9200" to avoid conflict
> with package p9100 using, yep, port 9100 (tor's default for non-local
> clients)
> "SocksListenAddress" ... so use :9100 or :9200 as
> required but definitely uncomment that line to gain remote access into
> tor's Control Port
> ---- uncomment line "Log notice syslog" to get safe, basic logging (use
> "Log debug syslog" for verbose logging, INCL *secrets* used)
> ---- VERY IMPORTANT: uncomment line: "RunAsDaemon 1" or the tor executable
> will block the router's bootup sequence
> ---- I changed & uncommented so as to have this line active: "DataDirectory
> /tmp/tor"
> -------- the default DataDirectory dir (if none is specified) is
> /usr/var/lib/tor which is kinda icky
> -------- whatever dir you use, I had? to PRE-create this dir to keep tor
> happy
> -------- tor will quickly place 3-4MB of data into that dir so be wary of
> your freespace (I found no config option for tor to adjust this)
> -------- if you want to adjust the size of tmp drive, etc, use vars
> 'syst_size=16M log_size=4M tmp_size=8M' (e.g. for 32 MB box) in the
> leaf.cfg file (or maybe syslinux.cfg?)
> ---- activate tor's Control Port by uncommenting the line: "ControlPort
> 9051"
> ---- I want to connect into the tor daemon by way of addy on
> the LEAF router so we have tor listen on that addy via adding line:
> "ControlListenAddress"
> ---- I then MUST have a password when connecting to the Control Port (tor
> won't let me connect in to the Control Port from a *remote* box if there's
> no password set)
> -------- I generate the needed 'hashed-password' by invoking this command
> on the LEAF box: "tor --hash-password my_chosen_password"
> -------- I create in the tor config file the line: "HashedControlPassword
> 16:HASH_CODE" that was output from the command above
> ---- that all in, gives this as a minimal setup tor setup...
> HashedControlPassword   16:HASH_CODE
> SocksPort               9200                    # what port to open for
> relaying
> SocksListenAddress               # accept connections only
> from localhost
> SocksListenAddress      # listen on a chosen
> IP/port too
> Log notice syslog
> RunAsDaemon 1
> DataDirectory /tmp/tor
> ControlPort             9051
> ControlListenAddress
> ========================================
> Sorry about the chaos of this brain dump, hopefully this gets anyone past
> any hurdles though.
> My browsing performance is fine to slow, depending on which tor MiddleMen
> routers my packets are traversing. Google frequently has me do a captcha
> for searches or youtube but they're surprisingly easy and only a small
> nuisance.
> Myself I'm very pleased with my new tor setup (being that I'm happy to lose
> some speed/convenience in exchange for some anonymity) and am happy to
> contribute a little back to the tor community by way of being a "Middleman
> node" ... soon to be an "Exit node".
> Thanks of course to all for your contributions to LEAF, and esp KP for
> compiling the updated version of tor.
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