Hej leaf-list,

Christmas is a good time to work on the box... ;-)
Merry Christmas!!

I tried to use the automatic upgrade with my leaf-box 5.2.4 Rev.1.
First I replaced wget with the one from 5.2.5 because auf the https-issue.

Execution of upgrade --release 5.2.5 (little steps) brings me:

> # upgrade --release 5.2.5
> upgrade: Your system has insufficient temporary storage available for
> upgrade: upgrade to run successfully. Please check the size of your
> upgrade: /tmp file system and increase it to at least 60000 MB
> aborting: check_prerequisites: temporary storage size insufficient
> upgrade: abort check_prerequisites: temporary storage size insufficient
> upgrade: upgrade terminated successfully

Im running leaf on an alix box with a CF-Card to boot from (/mnt).
/tmp is in RAM-Disk and far away from 60000 MB (!??).

> # df -h
> Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> tmpfs                     8.0M         0      8.0M   0% /tmp
> tmpfs                     8.0M      1.5M      6.5M  19% /var/log
> root                     40.0M     21.0M     19.0M  52% /
> /dev/sda1               989.8M    212.9M    776.9M  22% /mnt

Is there a chance to make upgrade work and how to do so?



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