Title says it all.

I am looking to muck about again with OS 9. So as I have never owned a B&W, that is where I would like to start.

Looking for a rev 2. Stocked with ram and a decent hard drive would be a plus. I would also like either the original restore disks or a legal copy of os 9 with the machine. Hard drive size is not really that important, nor are cosmetics as long as it does not look like it has been through a meat grinder.

I will entertain most offers that are not off the wall.

Shipping would be to:

Nathan Templeton
678 Valley View Way
Travis AFB, CA.

I would also be fine with pick up within reason in Northern California.

Thanks for you time.

sent from equinox Dual G5 1.8/1gb/10.5.8

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