After five years, The BLFS Team is happy to present version 7.4 of 
Beyond Linux From Scratch. This version includes approximately 750 
packages beyond the base Linux From Scratch Version 7.4 book.

Keeping up to date with released packages that are useful to users is a 
challenge. On average, three new packages are released every day, seven 
days a week. As of this writing, BLFS is current. The vast majority of 
packages in the book have been verified to work in an LFS-7.4 
environment, however a few (26) packages have only been built and not 
tested primarily due to hardware constraints.

This release would not have been possible without the help of a lot of 
people over the years. Specific thanks for the many hours spent making 
BLFS what it is goes to the following:

     Andy Benton
     Wayne Blaszczyk
     Guy Dalziel
     Ag Hatzimanikas
     DJ Lucas
     Randy McMurchy
     Ken Moffat
     Fernando de Oliveria
     Chris Staub
     Ragnar Thomsen
     Thomas Trepl
     Igor Zivkovic

   -- Bruce Dubbs
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