Dan Nicholson wrote:
> On 12/21/06, Ag. Hatzimanikas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 21, at 12:12 Ag. Hatzimanikas wrote:
>>> On Sat, Dec 16, at 01:30 Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>>>>> This is kind of annoying because my filter is set on the To: lfs-book.
>>>>> I don't know the Trac settings at all, so I'm no help there.
>>>> Must be a byproduct of the new version of Trac. Until tht's figured out,
>>>>   I suggest using a different filter rather than the To: header. A list
>>>> won't always appear in the To: header or emails may have been directed
>>>> to more than one list using CC and/or BCC as well.
>>>> A better header to filter on is the List-ID header that every list email
>>>> has (this list would be List-ID: .*lfs-dev.linuxfromscratch.org>)
>>>> Note the @ is replaced with a . in the List-ID header.
>>> Strange.
>>> The List-Id header is missing in some (not all) of the emails.
>>> For example today's ticket #2206.
>> That is a Blfs ticket.
> Here's the other strange thing. Yesterday I checked the queue of junk
> mail for in Mailman for blfs-book, and there was another copy of each
> of the BLFS ticket emails.
> Bruce or Gerard, I left them in the queue. Could you have a look?
> Something's not right about Trac's email.

Gerard's been doing the mail.  I would be starting from the beginning.
  -- Bruce
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