On Oct 2, 2010, at 3:20 PM, Frank Rizzo wrote:

Hey guys, I'm trying to work with a barcode scanner that thinks it's a keyboard.

What path do I use for this? (Probably more data that you need below, but I believe in being through).

Your best bet is to try the operating system interfaces first. Since you posted output from 'lsusb', I'm going to assume Linux.

Linux grabs any keyboard, mouse or joystick that presents itself as a standard HID device. You might be able to find the /dev/input node corresponding to the device and do something specific to the barcode scanner, but that's outside the scope of libhid.

If you scan a barcode, does it look like characters are being typed in your terminal?

Not sure what you mean by "multiple duplicate interfaces", since there seems to only be one configuration listed in lsusb (and one interface for that configuration). If you are referring to the duplicate debug lines from libhid, that's a well-known bug in the hidparser debug code relating to ranges of Usage codes (from "Usage Minimum" and "Usage Maximum" tags in the HID report descriptor).

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