> > Receiving strings is still somewhat strange, only the first
> > character is received.
> If your device is not actually a human interface device and you have
> some control over the firmware I very strongly recommend not using
> the HID device class. If no class fits then vendor specific is an
> excellent choice; it allows you complete freedom in how communication
> works, and it can take advantage of the packet based nature of USB
> communication. Reading a string could be as simple as giving a string
> number and receiving the string bytes.
> //Peter

No control over the firmware. The problem with the strings was in my
Mono P/Invoke code, a little misunderstanding with Mr. Marshal and
string encodings, fixed. 

Well of course a vendor-specific device would be very beneficial. I
remember a small project I did once: ATMega with software-only USB
(http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/index.html) and some lines of kernel
code or libusb - voilĂ !

Rudolf Muehlbauer <rudolf.muehlba...@gmail.com>

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