On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 3:48 AM, Chip Wachob <wach...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Very new to Linux and USB/BT.
> I have an interest in making a PC running Linux (specifically Ubuntu 16.04
> LTS) appear to be a BT device which other BT-enabled devices can pair with.
> I am most interested in having the PC appear to be a BT-enabled keyboard and
> transmit keypresses on the keyboard to the paired device.
> The PC has a USB BT dongle which I would use to accomplish this task.
> Is this something that can be done using libhid?
> If so, could you point me towards example code?

I am quite sure libhid can not do that.

> If not, is there another library that would be better suited for my task?

No idea. I believe this will be a difficult task. You may want to
ask in the linux-bluetooth mailing list.


> Thank you in advance for your time,


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