On 2020-05-11 11:06, David Knezevic wrote:
I think PETSc changed the option name from "-pc_factor_mat_solver_package"
to "-pc_factor_mat_solver_type", which I guess is the issue here.

Yes, thank you.

Also, you can use "-ksp_view" on the command line to get a printout of the solver options that were used by PETSc, so you can see if it actually used
MUMPS or superlu.

Yes, thank you again.


On 2020-05-11 13:47, John Peterson wrote:
On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 10:08 PM <ed...@openmail.cc> wrote:

This message is from libMesh (BTW what is libMesh++?):

libMesh++ is a hole in my brain from Elmer's documentation, sorry (not blaming it on them).

And these messages are from PETSc:

I think this is all working as intended, since if you look at run.sh for
reduced_basis_ex7, you can see that we run all four combinations of
"type"/"package" and "mumps"/superlu" from the script, relying on the logic
within the example itself to skip those cases which don't apply.

That is very ingenious. Noob question: Is there still a need to test for options that don't exist? I know there must be a reason behind it :P .

The examples must be run from the build directory, so
for example to test mumps with PETSC >= 3.9 (assuming $LIBMESH_SRC/build is
the location of your build directory):

cd $LIBMESH_SRC/build/examples/reduced_basis/reduced_basis_ex7
./example-opt -online_mode 0 -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu
-pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps

Thank you very much for the very clear instructions.

Finally, there is one last check you can do, which is to look at (again, from the build directory) the include/libmesh_config.h file and inspect the
values of the


preprocessor defines.

I really got it with this. It seems that SuperLU is not being used, but MUMPS is. I will check my PETSc compilation before asking further questions.

All of this was very useful. Thanks, dear David and John.

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