On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 11:56 AM Ger ry <rangacc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In fact, i hadn't ran "make install".
> I must had misinterpreted the instructions.
> now i ran make install.
> and it seems successful except for some warnings  like the following:
> libtool: warning:
> '/home/flexwork/Documents/repos/libmesh/contrib/netcdf/v4/liblib/
> libnetcdf.la' has not been installed in '/usr/local/lib'

OK, I'm glad that it seems to be mostly working now.

I'm not sure what would cause the libtool warning you are seeing, as I have
not seen this error before. In your previous emails, I thought you had
started installing into /usr/local/libmesh, in which case the .la file in
question would be installed to


Either way, I suppose you could check whether a libnetcdf.la file exists or
not in either of those locations. It's possible that there was an existing
one in /usr/local/lib and therefore autoconf avoided overwriting it? This
is another reason not to install directly to /usr/local BTW, it can
conflict with other software you have installed there.


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