On 5/12/21 11:41 PM, John Peterson wrote:

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 4:25 PM Tobias Moehle <tobias.moe...@uni-rostock.de <mailto:tobias.moe...@uni-rostock.de>> wrote:

    Dear all,

    I hope that someone has experience or some good ideas to help me
    out: I
    am using a setup where the finite element basis is augmented by a
    function which contains the most rapidly changing features of the
    solution to allow for a considerably coarser grid.

    However, when it comes to printing of the solution, I am stuck:
      - In best case, I'd like to use a refined mesh for printing. To
    represent the solution reasonably good, I have tried to copy the mesh
    into another one which I refine. My initial idea was to use a child
    class to MeshFunction to project the original solution with the
    augmentation function onto the finer grid; but since the
    "MeshFunction::operator()" is not virtual, one cannot overload it.

It looks like those operator() functions aren't explicitly marked virtual, but they definitely are! (Also, they are marked "override", which is another clue that they are virtual.) So your approach of subclassing MeshFunction sounds like a reasonable one to me... I will push a commit adding the virtual keyword where it's missing.

Oh, that sounds very good! I actually had the impression that it is rather a case as discussed here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21075922/function-overriding-in-c-works-without-virtual/21076030#21076030 just that the base-class will be called because here indirection is used!?

Than I will follow this route and hopefully also get the refinement-part going.

Many thanks for the fast answer!

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