Hi, John,

Thanks for your helpful suggestions. Having tested several cases, I found that 
the problem comes from assigning back the active side to the FEMContext c.side. 
Now things look good.

Many thanks again for your quick response and helps!
Best regards,

From: John Peterson <jwpeter...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 12:26 AM
To: Yu Zhong <elijahzh...@live.com>
Cc: libmesh-users@lists.sourceforge.net <libmesh-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [Libmesh-users] imposing boundary conditions inside the domain

On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 5:20 AM Yu Zhong 
<elijahzh...@live.com<mailto:elijahzh...@live.com>> wrote:
Dear all,

For a 2D problem, I'm trying to impose Dirichlet BC on a physical boundary 
connecting two subdomains in a full domain (containing more than 2 subdomains). 
With the penalty method, I tried with


to find this physical boundary, where ID is the physical curve ID defined in 
gmsh. However, it does not work. This method seems only working with outer 
boundaries instead of those within the full domain.

I went through the examples, and found the Miscellaneous Example 9 provides a 
solution for this issue, where two different meshes are created in two 
subdomains. Then the boundary connecting these two subdomains can be found as 
those outer boundaries for a single domain. This method would ask for heavy 
works on the mesh generation side when there are many such interior B.C. needed 
within the full domain.

I just wonder whether libmesh has any routine that can automatically find the 
interior edges with specific IDs, such that specific B.C. can be imposed onto 
these edges.


Libmesh has support for interior sides, so there is most likely some bug, 
either on our part of yours, that prevents this from working. Off the top of my 
head, I see that the has_side_boundary_id() function only works for the 
FEMContext's currently active side,

bool FEMContext::has_side_boundary_id(boundary_id_type id) const
  return _boundary_info.has_boundary_id(&(this->get_elem()), side, id);

so you definitely need to be sure that you are calling this function in a loop 
over all elem sides (and not just exterior boundary sides). Another possibility 
is that the Gmsh reader is not properly storing your internal sides, so one 
debugging idea would be to call BoundaryInfo::print_info() after reading in 
your Mesh, and just confirm that all the (elem, side, id) tuples that you 
expect to be present are actually present. You will most likely need to share 
either the real code or (preferably) a simplified example which demonstrates 
the error in order for us to debug the problem further.


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