--- Comment #14 from Eyal Rozenberg <> ---
(In reply to Mike Kaganski from comment #11)
> 2. ... Even in your
> example, there's no way every part would need *every* bit different; and
> most likely, it would need *most* (but a couple of details) consistent.
> Fonts, their sizes, spacing, headings, ... In this case, implementing your
> proposal breaks the fundamental principle of the master documents (which you
> refuse), which is - ability to set the style centrally, and have all the
> sub-documents look consistent. Someone making the final preparations, and
> deciding to change something, would have to edit individual documents on
> each and every thing they need to change globally.

But that's only if they explicitly chose to keep all of the subdocument styles,
i.e. only if they wanted this to happen. And - they may well want this to

See further about this below.

> Direct formatting, or separate styles per chapter, which is something that
> the creator would be perfectly aware of, is the solution to your example.

Direct formatting is only even a solution for something which happens once.
Formatting in a subdocument happens many times; I gave a page style as an
example - maybe it's a base style of several page styles? Or maybe what I want
to keep is one of the character or paragraph styles etc.

Mike, I think you might may be making an implicit assumption that the author of
the master document has written the subdocuments with the prior intent to place
them in a master document. I'm thinking in this issue more about the user who
wants to integrate an independently-authored document, which would have stood
on its own, into the master document. 

Here's another use case, exemplifying this perhaps more strongly: I'm working
on some legal brief, or report, to which I want to attach documents somebody
else has written (and luckily for me, they are available as (maybe read-only)
ODT's or DOCX's). Each of those documents has its styles defined via Text Body,
Normal, Heading 1,2,3 etc. and so on. And - they might be different. When I use
these as subdocuments - I want all of their styles _preserved_.

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