On Jul 19, 2011, at 7:34 AM, Matúš Kukan wrote:

> On 19 July 2011 14:22, Joseph Powers <jpower...@cox.net> wrote:
>> A List<> would  be better; however, it's a list of pointers so the size 
>> isn't that big.
> So why not use it ?
> I did not mean the actual size in memory but the number of elements.
> I've seen there around 150 elements when I tried to print the size.
> That's not really much but I think when we can use something better we should.
> I don't really know how many elements there can be and how often we
> are removing not from the end and what's the real difference in
> effectiveness between list and vector but..
> May be someone has opinion about this?
>>> void ImplSalBitmapCache::ImplRemove( X11SalBitmap* pBmp )
>>> {
>>> -    for( ImplBmpObj* pObj = (ImplBmpObj*) maBmpList.Last(); pObj;
>>> pObj = (ImplBmpObj*) maBmpList.Prev() )
>>> +    for( size_t i = maBmpList.size(); i; )
>>>     {
>>> +        ImplBmpObj* pObj = maBmpList[ --i ];
>>>         if( pObj->mpBmp == pBmp )
>>>         {
>>> -            maBmpList.Remove( pObj );
>>> +            maBmpList.erase( maBmpList.begin() + i );
>>>             pObj->mpBmp->ImplRemovedFromCache();
>>>             mnTotalSize -= pObj->mnMemSize;
>>>             delete pObj;
>>> But then I realized you are decreasing i in ImplBmpObj* pObj = maBmpList[ 
>>> --i ];
>>> So - maBmpList.erase( maBmpList.begin() + i ); is in fact pop_back and
>>> it's effective but personally I'd use the latter to avoid mistakes.
>> It's a loop and it's not just removing the last entry. It's only removing 
>> the entry that matches the one passed. (I don't know why we're starting at 
>> the end since the same pointer shouldn't be in the list twice; however, if 
>> the same pointer gets in the list twice, then we'll always remove the last 
>> one instead of the first one and I didn't wont to change this behavior).
> Ah, right, my fault. But now it's better to use list if you do not
> need random access to elements. I mean maBmpList[ i ];

Ok, I changed from a stl::vector<> to a stl::list<>; I also rewrote the loops 
to use an iterator instead of [] addressing since [] addressing can be 
expensive with lists. I also rewrote the loop in question to find the 1st match 
(there should only be one match) because it makes the logic cleaner and easier 
to read.

>> Can you try the new version of the patch?
> One more error:
> maBmpList[ i ]->ImplRemovedFromCache(); should be
> maBmpList[ i ]->mpBmp->ImplRemovedFromCache();
> Now, just warning:
> unx/generic/gdi/salbmp.cxx:1212: warning: ‘pObj’ may be used
> uninitialized in this function
> but that's not really true

Ok, I missed that one.  I also added code to initialize pObj to NULL; some of 
the developers like to compile with "error on warnings" and they'ed get really 
mad if we left a warning.

> I wonder if that was possible to compile for you but I have no
> experience with other systems, so there may be big differences I'm not
> used to.

I only compile for Mac OS; thus, I only compile /vcl/aqua & /vcl/source. If you 
watch your compile, you should only compile /vcl/unx & /vcl/source. We also 
have /vcl/win for those brave people who compile on Windows.

> Anyway, good job, I like removing old things or replacing them with new.
> Matus

Hopefully this is the last time...
Joe P.

Attachment: 0001-Replace-List-with-std-list-ImplBmpObj.patch
Description: Binary data

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