* Present:
        + Norbert, Michael, Andras, Stephan, Tor, David,
          Rainer, Caolan, Michael S, Petr, Kendy, Thorsten,
          Kohei, Eike, Christian, Bjoern

* Completed Action Items
        + upgrade the internal cairo to latest stable to fix theme crasher 
                + side-effect: 
                        + in-progress (Caolan, Michael)
        + setup linux build system to build gtk3 support by default (Michael)
                + blocks on upgrading internal glib
        + come up with a list of QA heros (Rainer)
                + punted - until we get bugzilla stats update.
        + get Rainer setup with git commit access (Michael)
                + not required
        + forward access details to Thorsten (Rainer)
                + have Silverstripe access

* Pending Action Items
        + add postgresql to 3.5 feature page (Lionel)
        + add tinderbox name to build-id (Norbert)
        + make it clear the SAL_INFO etc. macros are internal only for 3.5 
        + [slow progress] extract 64bit build hardware from firewall (Kendy / 
        + cleanup old test build server directories (Thorsten)
        + rename VCL API to make it GetBeamerFoo & fix (Michael)
        + get a permanant re-direction link for bug assistent (Thorsten)
                + hack up the Help->File bug menu item (Thorsten)
        + checking pg baseline on windows (Fridrich)

* Action Items review

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + 3.4.5 status
                + rc2 up-loaded, for a week of testing before announce
        + schedule is updated: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan
                + switch from exact dates to use week numbers, to allow some
                  flexibility and better describe reality.
                + 3.4.6 added for March
        + 3.5.0 status
                + Hard English string & UI freeze is on Monday, January 9, 2012,
                        + Markus' external ref / feature
                                + approved for merging consensus for -3-5 branch
                                + includes the last(?) string changes.
                + plenty more bugs to fix - eg. from bug hunt.

* FOSDEM dev-room planning & arm twisting etc. (Michael)
        + Talks:
                + Internal structure of calc - Eike ...
                + <slot to be filled in> - Stephan
                + <easy hacks talk> - Michael
        + Bjoern (Skiiing) & Caolan figuring out travel planning

* Doxygen update ... (Bergmann)
        + we now depend on doxygen for SDK released builds
        + much rejoicing (Thorsten)
        + looking at switching to doxygen for IDL too
        + default to with doxygen, fail if don't find one & disable it.

* License discussion / planning / MPLv2 etc. (Michael)
        + https://mpl.mozilla.org/
        + punt movement here until 3.5.0 is out.

* QA update (Rainer)
        + Windows 8 - public beta for Feburary
                + Win 8 doesn't install in VMWare
                        - until it does debugging is hard.
                + crash-on-load bug #43648 - fun.
                + Jesus reports it working well though ...
        + Excel (originally Lotus) leap-year bug #44453
                + we simply don't do the broken version
                + known issue, affecting only 50 dates.
AA:             + wontfix the bug in pleasant way (Thorsten)
        + bugzilla
                + getting slower, gateway timeouts, error 504
                + highly annoying
AA:             + talk to freedesktop sysadmin team (Michael)
        + switch of old bugs to NEEDINFO
                + generated tons of mostly useless mail
                + another few hundred obsolete bugs getting activity
                + included invite to bug hunting session (Bjoern)
                + qa list was not on Nabble - now fixed (Bjoern)
AA:             + qa list incomplete, or updating slowly on gmane (Thorsten to 
poke Florian)
        + bug hunting session update
                + lots more activity than normal days
                + did we manage to attract and retain new people ?
        + feeling is good
                + using 3.4.5rc and 3.5beta2 - normal work is possible
                + 3.5 still has some real blockers, but Rainer not
                  seeing them in daily work.
                + very few crashes observed in the wild

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
                + grab bugs they like the look of there.

* Mitch / MSI building update
        + not present.

* Robust subsequenttests to a third category: tail_build tests (Michael/Stephan)
        + idea - to include the reliable unit tests that
          we can run within the build
                + can run them in the tail_build
AA:     + include them into tail_build Makefile as 'slowcheck's (Markus ?)

* Norbert's cleanups impacting obsolete platforms
        + looking into other Linux flavours

michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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