bridges/inc/vtablefactory.hxx                        |    2 
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_ios/ |   59 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_ios/ios64_helper.s       |  414 -------------------
 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 474 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit bed135e02bf7db2ef8c29747bbf79f26da71e9ca
Author: jan Iversen <>
Date:   Sat Mar 10 19:44:25 2018 +0100

    iOS, activate USE_DOUBLE_MMAP
    If not activated code assumes dymanic behaivour.
    Change-Id: I6b2807f4a2402a7adfa0839454586b425ee1ae29

diff --git a/bridges/inc/vtablefactory.hxx b/bridges/inc/vtablefactory.hxx
index 70c87c385952..04e3addc3149 100644
--- a/bridges/inc/vtablefactory.hxx
+++ b/bridges/inc/vtablefactory.hxx
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 #if defined(LINUX) || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(FREEBSD) \
     || defined(NETBSD) || defined(DRAGONFLY) || defined (ANDROID) \
-    || defined(HAIKU)
+    || defined(HAIKU)  || defined(IOS)
commit be65314d131ea75610d9ed21323ce6025a615c99
Author: jan Iversen <>
Date:   Sat Mar 10 19:24:03 2018 +0100

    bridges,iOS removed suport for x86 and arm.
    Only arm64 is supported, code is more readable
    Change-Id: I6940b0d03dc26c9c8f10c1cb105a7564471f2ca5

diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_ios/ 
index a8548836fef3..3a3b0a3fbb1a 100755
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_ios/
+++ b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_ios/
@@ -13,45 +13,15 @@ my $nVtableOffsets = 4;
 sub gen_arm ($$)
     my ($funIndex, $vtableOffset) = @_;
-    if ($funIndex & 0x80000000) {
-        printf ("#ifndef __arm64\n");
-    }
     printf ("codeSnippet_%08x_%d:\n", $funIndex, $vtableOffset);
-    printf ("#ifdef __arm\n");
-    # Note: pc is the address of instruction being executed plus 8
-    printf ("    mov ip, pc\n");
-    printf ("#else\n");
     printf ("    adr x15, .+8\n");
-    printf ("#endif\n");
     printf ("    b _privateSnippetExecutor\n");
     printf ("    .long %#08x\n", $funIndex);
     printf ("    .long %d\n", $vtableOffset);
-    if ($funIndex & 0x80000000) {
-        printf ("#endif\n");
-    }
-sub gen_x86 ($$$)
-    my ($funIndex, $vtableOffset, $executor) = @_;
-    printf ("codeSnippet_%08x_%d_%s:\n", $funIndex, $vtableOffset, $executor);
-    printf ("    movl \$%#08x, %%eax\n", $funIndex);
-    printf ("    movl \$%d, %%edx\n", $vtableOffset);
-    printf ("    jmp _privateSnippetExecutor%s\n", $executor);
 printf (".text\n");
-printf ("#if defined(__arm) || defined(__arm64)\n");
 printf ("\n");
-printf ("// Each codeSnippetX function stores into ip (arm64: x15) an address 
and branches to _privateSnippetExecutor\n");
-printf ("// The address is that following the branch instruction, containing 
two 32-bit ints:\n");
-printf ("// - the function index, which for 32-bit can have the 0x80000000 bit 
-printf ("//   to indicate that a hidden parameter is used for returning large 
-printf ("// - the vtable offset\n");
-printf ("\n");
 printf ("    .align 4\n");
 printf ("\n");
@@ -60,27 +30,9 @@ foreach my $funIndex (0 .. $nFunIndexes-1)
    foreach my $vtableOffset (0 .. $nVtableOffsets-1)
        gen_arm ($funIndex, $vtableOffset);
-       gen_arm ($funIndex|0x80000000, $vtableOffset);
-printf ("#else\n");
-printf ("    .align 1, 0x90\n");
-foreach my $funIndex (0 .. $nFunIndexes-1)
-    foreach my $vtableOffset (0 .. $nVtableOffsets-1)
-    {
-        foreach my $executor ('General', 'Void', 'Hyper', 'Float', 'Double', 
-        {
-            gen_x86 ($funIndex, $vtableOffset, $executor);
-            gen_x86 ($funIndex|0x80000000, $vtableOffset, $executor);
-        }
-    }
-  }
-printf ("#endif\n");
 printf ("    .globl _nFunIndexes\n");
 printf ("_nFunIndexes:\n");
 printf ("    .long %d\n", $nFunIndexes);
@@ -96,18 +48,7 @@ foreach my $funIndex (0 .. $nFunIndexes-1)
     foreach my $vtableOffset (0 .. $nVtableOffsets-1)
-        printf ("#if defined(__arm) || defined(__arm64)\n");
         printf ("    .long codeSnippet_%08x_%d - _codeSnippets\n", $funIndex, 
-        printf ("#ifndef __arm64\n");
-        printf ("    .long codeSnippet_%08x_%d - _codeSnippets\n", 
$funIndex|0x80000000, $vtableOffset);
-        printf ("#endif\n");
-        printf ("#else\n");
-        foreach my $executor ('General', 'Void', 'Hyper', 'Float', 'Double', 
-        {
-            printf ("    .long codeSnippet_%08x_%d_%s - _codeSnippets\n", 
$funIndex, $vtableOffset, $executor);
-            printf ("    .long codeSnippet_%08x_%d_%s - _codeSnippets\n", 
$funIndex|0x80000000, $vtableOffset, $executor);
-        }
-        printf ("#endif\n");
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_ios/ios64_helper.s 
index 7461cbccc4e7..51e4d160dafe 100644
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_ios/ios64_helper.s
+++ b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_ios/ios64_helper.s
@@ -19,31 +19,6 @@
 #include "codesnippets.S"
-#if defined(__arm)
-// ARM support code for LibreOffice C++/UNO bridging
-// Written by Peter Naulls <>
-// Modified by Caolan McNamara <>
-// Fixed by Michael Casadevall <>
-// Modified for iOS by Tor Lillqvist <>
-    .text
-    .align 4
-    stmfd   sp!, {r0-r3}    // follow other parameters on stack
-    mov     r0, ip          // r0 points to functionoffset/vtable
-    mov     r1, sp          // r1 points to this and params
-                            // (see cpp2uno.cxx:codeSnippet())
-    stmfd   sp!, {r4, lr}   // save return address
-                            // (r4 pushed to preserve stack alignment)
-    bl      _cpp_vtable_call
-    add     sp, sp, #4      // no need to restore r4 (we didn't touch it)
-    ldr     pc, [sp], #20   // return, discarding function arguments
-#elif defined(__arm64)
     .align 4
@@ -79,393 +54,4 @@ _privateSnippetExecutor:
     ret     lr
-#elif defined(__i386)
-    // i386 code, for the simulator
-    .text
-.align 1, 0x90
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              // proper stack frame needed for exception 
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    subl    $0x8,%esp         // padding + 32bit returnValue
-    pushl   %esp              // 32bit &returnValue
-    pushl   %ecx              // 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              // 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              // 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    L_cpp_vtable_call$stub
-    movl    16(%esp),%eax     // 32bit returnValue
-    leave
-    ret
-    .long   .-_privateSnippetExecutorGeneral
-.align 1, 0x90
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              // proper stack frame needed for exception 
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    sub     $8,%esp           // padding
-    pushl   $0                // 32bit null pointer (returnValue not used)
-    pushl   %ecx              // 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              // 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              // 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    L_cpp_vtable_call$stub
-    leave
-    ret
-    .long   .-_privateSnippetExecutorVoid
-.align 1, 0x90
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              // proper stack frame needed for exception 
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    subl    $0x8,%esp         // 64bit returnValue
-    pushl   %esp              // 32bit &returnValue
-    pushl   %ecx              // 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              // 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              // 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    L_cpp_vtable_call$stub
-    movl    16(%esp),%eax     // 64bit returnValue, lower half
-    movl    20(%esp),%edx     // 64bit returnValue, upper half
-    leave
-    ret
-    .long   .-_privateSnippetExecutorHyper
-.align 1, 0x90
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              // proper stack frame needed for exception 
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    subl    $0x8,%esp         // padding + 32bit returnValue
-    pushl   %esp              // 32bit &returnValue
-    pushl   %ecx              // 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              // 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              // 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    L_cpp_vtable_call$stub
-    flds    16(%esp)          // 32bit returnValue
-    leave
-    ret
-    .long   .-_privateSnippetExecutorFloat
-.align 1, 0x90
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              // proper stack frame needed for exception 
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    subl    $0x8,%esp         // 64bit returnValue
-    pushl   %esp              // 32bit &returnValue
-    pushl   %ecx              // 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              // 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              // 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    L_cpp_vtable_call$stub
-    fldl    16(%esp)          // 64bit returnValue
-    leave
-    ret
-    .long   .-_privateSnippetExecutorDouble
-.align 1, 0x90
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              // proper stack frame needed for exception 
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    subl    $0x8,%esp         // padding + 32bit returnValue
-    pushl   %esp              // 32bit &returnValue
-    pushl   %ecx              // 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              // 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              // 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    L_cpp_vtable_call$stub
-    movl    16(%esp),%eax     // 32bit returnValue
-    leave
-    ret     $4
-    .long   .-_privateSnippetExecutorClass
-    .section __TEXT,__eh_frame,coalesced,no_toc+strip_static_syms+live_support
-    .set L$set$frame1,LECIE1-LSCIE1
-    .long   L$set$frame1      // length
-    .long   0                 // CIE_ID
-    .byte   1                 // version
-    .ascii  "zPR\0"           // augmentation
-    .byte   1                 // code_alignment_factor (.uleb128 1)
-    .byte   0x7c              // data_alignment_factor (.sleb128 -4)
-    .byte   8                 // return_address_register
-    .byte   0x6               // augmentation size 7:
-    .byte   0x9b              //  ???
-    .long   L___gxx_personality_v0$non_lazy_ptr-.
-    .byte   0x10
-                              // initial_instructions:
-    .byte   0x0C              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa %esp, 4
-    .byte   5
-    .byte   4
-    .byte   0x88              //  DW_CFA_offset ret, 1
-    .byte   1
-    .align 2
-    .set L$set$g1,LEFDEg-LASFDEg
-    .long   L$set$g1          // length
-    .long   LASFDEg-EH_frame1 // CIE_pointer
-    .long   LFBg-.            // initial_location
-    .long   LFEg-LFBg         // address_range
-    .byte   0                 // augmentation size 0
-                              // instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFIg0-LFBg
-    .byte   0x0E              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .byte   8
-    .byte   0x84              //  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .byte   2
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFIg1-LCFIg0
-    .byte   0x0D              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .byte   4
-    .align 2
-    .set L$set$v1,LEFDEv-LASFDEv
-    .long   L$set$v1          // length
-    .long   LASFDEv-EH_frame1 // CIE_pointer
-    .long   LFBv-.            // initial_location
-    .long   LFEv-LFBv         // address_range
-    .byte   0                 // augmentation size 0
-                              // instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFIv0-LFBv
-    .byte   0x0E              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .byte   8
-    .byte   0x84              //  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .byte   2
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFIv1-LCFIv0
-    .byte   0x0D              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .byte   4
-    .align 2
-    .set L$set$h1,LEFDEh-LASFDEh
-    .long   L$set$h1          // length
-    .long   LASFDEh-EH_frame1 // CIE_pointer
-    .long   LFBh-.            // initial_location
-    .long   LFEh-LFBh         // address_range
-    .byte   0                 // augmentation size 0
-                              // instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFIh0-LFBh
-    .byte   0x0E              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .byte   8
-    .byte   0x84              //  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .byte   2
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFIh1-LCFIh0
-    .byte   0x0D              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .byte   4
-    .align 2
-    .set L$set$f1,LEFDEf-LASFDEf
-    .long   L$set$f1          // length
-    .long   LASFDEf-EH_frame1 // CIE_pointer
-    .long   LFBf-.            // initial_location
-    .long   LFEf-LFBf         // address_range
-    .byte   0                 // augmentation size 0
-                              // instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFIf0-LFBf
-    .byte   0x0E              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .byte   8
-    .byte   0x84              //  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .byte   2
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFIf1-LCFIf0
-    .byte   0x0D              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .byte   4
-    .align 2
-    .set L$set$d1,LEFDEd-LASFDEd
-    .long   L$set$d1          // length
-    .long   LASFDEd-EH_frame1 // CIE_pointer
-    .long   LFBd-.            // initial_location
-    .long   LFEd-LFBd         // address_range
-    .byte   0                 // augmentation size 0
-                              // instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFId0-LFBd
-    .byte   0x0E              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .byte   8
-    .byte   0x84              //  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .byte   2
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFId1-LCFId0
-    .byte   0x0D              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .byte   4
-    .align 2
-    .set L$set$c1,LEFDEc-LASFDEc
-    .long   L$set$c1          // length
-    .long   LASFDEc-EH_frame1 // CIE_pointer
-    .long   LFBc-.            // initial_location
-    .long   LFEc-LFBc         // address_range
-    .byte   0                 // augmentation size 0
-                              // instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFIc0-LFBc
-    .byte   0x0E              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .byte   8
-    .byte   0x84              //  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .byte   2
-    .byte   0x04              //  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   LCFIc1-LCFIc0
-    .byte   0x0D              //  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .byte   4
-    .align 2
-    .section 
-    .indirect_symbol _cpp_vtable_call
-    hlt ; hlt ; hlt ; hlt ; hlt
-    .section __IMPORT,__pointers,non_lazy_symbol_pointers
-    .indirect_symbol ___gxx_personality_v0
-    .long 0
-    .constructor
-    .destructor
-    .align 1
-       .text
-       .align 2
-.globl privateSnippetExecutor
-       pushq   %rbp
-       movq    %rsp, %rbp
-       subq    $160, %rsp
-       movq    %r10, -152(%rbp)                # Save (nVtableOffset << 32) + 
-       movq    %rdi, -112(%rbp)                # Save GP registers
-       movq    %rsi, -104(%rbp)
-       movq    %rdx, -96(%rbp)
-       movq    %rcx, -88(%rbp)
-       movq    %r8 , -80(%rbp)
-       movq    %r9 , -72(%rbp)
-       movsd   %xmm0, -64(%rbp)                # Save FP registers
-       movsd   %xmm1, -56(%rbp)
-       movsd   %xmm2, -48(%rbp)
-       movsd   %xmm3, -40(%rbp)
-       movsd   %xmm4, -32(%rbp)
-       movsd   %xmm5, -24(%rbp)
-       movsd   %xmm6, -16(%rbp)
-       movsd   %xmm7, -8(%rbp)
-       leaq    -144(%rbp), %r9                 # 6th param: sal_uInt64 * 
-       leaq    16(%rbp), %r8                   # 5rd param: void ** ovrflw
-       leaq    -64(%rbp), %rcx                 # 4th param: void ** fpreg
-       leaq    -112(%rbp), %rdx                # 3rd param: void ** gpreg
-       movl    -148(%rbp), %esi                # 2nd param: sal_int32 
-       movl    -152(%rbp), %edi                # 1st param: sal_int32 
-       call    cpp_vtable_call
-       cmp     $10, %rax                                       # 
-       je      .Lfloat
-       cmp     $11, %rax                                       # 
-       je      .Lfloat
-       movq    -144(%rbp), %rax                # Return value (int case)
-       movq    -136(%rbp), %rdx                # Return value (int case)
-       movq    -144(%rbp), %xmm0               # Return value (int case)
-       movq    -136(%rbp), %xmm1               # Return value (int case)
-       jmp     .Lfinish
-       movlpd  -144(%rbp), %xmm0               # Return value (float/double 
-       leave
-       ret
-       # see
-       # for details of the .eh_frame, the "Common Information Entry" and 
"Frame Description Entry" formats
-       # and for more 
-       .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1
-       .long   0x0
-       .byte   0x1
-       .string "zR"
-       .uleb128 0x1
-       .sleb128 -8
-       .byte   0x10
-       .uleb128 0x1
-       .byte   0x1b
-       .byte   0xc
-       .uleb128 0x7
-       .uleb128 0x8
-       .byte   0x90
-       .uleb128 0x1
-       .align 8
-       .long   .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1
-       .long   .LASFDE1-.Lframe1
-       .long   .LFB3-.
-       .long   .LFE3-.LFB3
-       .uleb128 0x0
-       .byte   0x4
-       .long   .LCFI0-.LFB3
-       .byte   0xe
-       .uleb128 0x10
-       .byte   0x86
-       .uleb128 0x2
-       .byte   0x4
-       .long   .LCFI1-.LCFI0
-       .byte   0xd
-       .uleb128 0x6
-       .align 8
 // vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab:
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