Aviv de Morgan said:
> sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping*

Since it is installed and enabled by default that still amounts to an
opt-out. To quote Fabian Rodriguez:
> Please read the article, it mentions how useless and calculated 
> such "opt-out' schemes are.

Even if you trust that they're not mining the hopes and dreams entered
into the search box today you also have to trust that they will never
go back and do so in the future. Remember that data storage is cheap
and records can be retained indefinitely while policies can change

The bigger solution to this is relatively straightforward. People that
cared about their freedom weren't using Ubuntu to begin with because
it includes proprietary, user-subjugating software that they were
forbidden to study, modify (and in some cases even share.) Now that it
also invades your privacy there's an additional reason not to use it.
If you know someone that is using Ubuntu your arguments to them for
not using Ubuntu have just become even stronger.

May I suggest Trisquel instead? http://trisquel.info/

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