Hi Nolan,

I had the same requirements.  What I ended up doing is something along 
these lines:

    // For the brand maintenance, we'll use the standard CRUDify stuff 
from the Brand model.
    // The menus created by CRUDify will be plucked apart.  The view 
menu will be the main brand menu
    // while the create menu will become a submenu off of that.
    val brandMenu = Menu(Brand.menus.first.loc, Brand.menus.drop(1):_*)
    // For the SKU maintenance, we'll use the standard CRUDify stuff 
from the Sku model.
    // The menus created by CRUDify will be plucked apart.  The view 
menu will be the main Sku menu
    // while the create menu will become a submenu off of that.
    val skuMenu = Menu(Sku.menus.first.loc, Sku.menus.drop(1):_*)

(I have a slew of these kinds of things)
So I basically build a new menu for the first item 
(Brand.menus.first.loc) for each set of menus, make that the menu that 
shows up by default, and then make the remaining two 
(Brand.menus.drop(1):_*) submenus.  (Note the ":_*".  That's Scala magic 
for saying to interpret this list as varargs to a function.)

Then I simply put all the *Menu vals in a list and pass it to the sitemap:

    val entries:List[Menu] = List(Menu(Loc("Home", List("index"), "Home")),

(I have shortened the list of menus...  Also note that I've adopted a 
much more explicit way of building these menus.  What I found is that I 
can write it the way the examples show, but I have a hard time 
interpreting it again after a day or two.  I find documenting this stuff 
much easier if it is all broken up instead of everything in one 
statement.  I'm sure as I get better at Scala this will change.)

To make the menus look nicer, I overload the label in each model.  As an 
example, here's my Brand model:

import net.liftweb.mapper._
import net.liftweb.util._

class Brand extends LongKeyedMapper[Brand] with IdPK {
  def getSingleton = Brand
  object name extends MappedString(this, 200) {
    override def displayName = "Brand code"
  object company extends MappedString(this, 100) {
    override def displayName = "Company name"
  object product extends MappedString(this, 100) {
    override def displayName = "Product name"
  object certificateTemplate extends MappedString(this, 200) {
    override def displayName = "Resource path to certificate template"
  object serialNumberPrefix extends MappedString(this, 4) {
    override def displayName = "Serial number prefix (4 uppercase letters)"

object Brand extends Brand with LongKeyedMetaMapper[Brand] with 
CRUDify[Long, Brand] {
  override def fieldOrder = List(name, company, product)
  def allBrands: List[Brand] = findAll
  override def showAllMenuName = "Maintain brands"

Hope that helps a bit.


Nolan Darilek wrote:
> Cool, thanks again. Here's another. I'm looking through the Mastering 
> Lift book chapter on sitemaps, and if there's an answer then I don't see it.
> I have several CRUD objects that I'd like to put in their own submenus. 
> I can't seem to make this happen. If I stick exclusively to Model.menus, 
> it works, but if I do something like:
>      val entries =
>        Menu(Loc("Home", List("index"), "Home")) ::
>        Menu(Loc("layouts", List("layout", "list"), "Layouts"), 
> Layout.menus:_*) ::
>        User.sitemap
> What I'm expecting to happen is that I'll get a Layouts menu linking to 
> /layout/list, a Loc created by Layout.menus. What actually *does* happen 
> is, apparently, a template lookup of layout/list on the filesystem. I 
> also tried passing Nil as the final argument to Loc, thinking it might 
> defer creation of a link to a template and let Layout.menus set that up, 
> but no luck.
> >   

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