Wow!  This is very cool.  Can't wait to try it out.


David Pollak wrote:
Okay... I've checked in new code.

In LiftRules, there's:

   * The function that converts a fieldName, contentType, fileName and an InputStream into
   * a FileParamHolder.  By default, create an in-memory instance.  Use OnDiskFileParamHolder
   * to create an on-disk version
  var handleMimeFile: (String, String, String, InputStream) => FileParamHolder =
  (fieldName, contentType, fileName, inputStream) =>
  new InMemFileParamHolder(fieldName, contentType, fileName, Helpers.readWholeStream(inputStream))

You can change handleMimeFile to use OnDiskFileParamHolder.  There's a companion object that has a helper that'll allow you to create an instance out of the parameters.  By default, the OnDiskFileParamHolder deletes the temporary file when it is finalized.

If you want to monitor the progress of an upload, use LiftRules:
   * The global multipart progress listener:
   *     pBytesRead - The total number of bytes, which have been read so far.
   *    pContentLength - The total number of bytes, which are being read. May be -1, if this number is unknown.
   *    pItems - The number of the field, which is currently being read. (0 = no item so far, 1 = first item is being read, ...)
  var progessListener: (Long, Long, Int) => Unit = (_, _, _) => ()

By default, it does nothing, but you can put in a function that'll look for a session-specific CometActor and send it messages.

If the above does not satisfy all your needs, you can subclass FileParamHolder and do whatever you want.



On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 10:31 AM, David Pollak <> wrote:
K... I'll check some code in later today.

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Andrew Scherpbier <> wrote:

It would also be nice to be able to provide progress feedback.  The page
returned after the form submission can then use comet to display a
progress bar or something like that.  (The media upload at Vimeo comes
to mind as a good example of this!)

Also, I would suggest some smarts when creating temporary files.  It
might be good to abstract the cache so that small files don't get put on


Vlad Seryakov wrote:
> I am also contemplating to use Lift but lack of big file upload is the
> showstopper. We need to upload images, and big video files and
> currently there i snot way to do it in Lift, i need something else to
> handle that which makes the whole stuff more complex than needed.
> Spooling into temp file and doing async upload of multiple files at
> the same time is what needed. Nowadays media uploads is normal and
> those files are getting bigger and bigger.
> On Jun 30, 5:58 pm, Timothy Perrett <> wrote:
>> This has been hurting me for quite a while now (raised it on list
>> about 2 months ago) and could really do with getting it fixed.
>> As derek points out, it's not a small change which is why I've done
>> nothing about it to date - a little too much core hacking to feel happy
>> If you think your able to do something about it that would be
>> absolutly brilliant!
>> Cheers
>> Tim
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 30 Jun 2009, at 22:33, David Pollak <>
>> wrote:
>>> What kind of priority is this issue?  I think I can abstract things
>>> in such a way that it works correctly, but it'll take a couple of
>>> days.
>>> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Derek Chen-Becker <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Well, as usual something that seemed simple at first glance is now
>>> looking somewhat complex. I'm thinking of reworking the fileUpload
>>> handling to allow a user to register either a (String, String, Array
>>> [Byte]) => Any or (String, String, InputStream) => Any function,
>>> which would then be executed during request processing. The issue is
>>>  that form field processing (ParamHolders) takes place in Req, befor
>>> e LiftSession has been set up, and the act of parsing the request fo
>>> r form data, particularly for large upload streams (the target of th
>>> ese changes) precludes holding on to any data for later processing (
>>> the servlet container cannot be expected to hold the entire request
>>> in memory). On the other hand, users should reasonably expect that t
>>> heir form handling functions are stateful, so I'm trying to think of
>>>  some way to meet in the middle on form processing. Ideas?
>>> Derek
>>> --
>>> Lift, the simply functional web framework
>>> Beginning Scala
>>> Follow me:
>>> Git some:
> >

Lift, the simply functional web framework
Beginning Scala

Lift, the simply functional web framework
Beginning Scala
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