Is the audience mostly Java based or from different other fields
including FP?

I would insist in how Lift leverages functional programming idioms
offered by Scala. Personally I believe this gives Lift a pretty unique


On Oct 12, 12:37 am, Timothy Perrett <> wrote:
> Guys,
> In about a month im speaking at a fairly sizeable event in Belgium and
> wanted to ask a few questions about what users see at Lift's unique
> value proposition. I did a talk about lift at a bar-camp recently and
> whilst they were fairly well received, I think i still assumed too
> much information. To that end, I thought by focusing on some of lifts
> super cool features in a broad way I would then aim to give people a
> better overview / warm fuzzy feeling about Lift in the allotted hour.
> So what are Lift's UVP's? My list looks a little like:
> - OOTB Comet (probably what draws most people to lift)
> - View first / code free templating
> - Utilisation of existing JEE infrastructure (WARs, JPA etc)
> - Non-perscriptive but highly configurable framework
> Then we also have some stuff that we inherit from scala:
> - traits
> - concise but type safe code
> - etc etc etc
> What do people think? I have an hour to make people feel good about
> Lift and hopefully give them enough of a taste to go away and try it
> later - am i missing anything blindingly obvious? This isnt a hard and
> fast outline of my preso, just trying to kick around some thoughts and
> ideas :-)
> Cheers, Tim
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