bearfeeder wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Channing Walton
> <>wrote:
>> ah, thats a good question. I am using sbt and its jetty-stop. I'll find
>> out
>> what its doing.
> I'm pretty sure Lift cancels the Comet connections during the Servlet
> unload
> process.

Actually I'm seeing the same thing with RunWebApp. Methinks there is a
problem with my comet, I copied the pattern from somewhere else so it may
well be wrong. Here it is:

(apologies for the names - imagination is escaping me)

class NewIssuesPump extends CometActor { 
  def render =
                <div id="recent_deals">
                  { => <li>{} 
{d.created.asHtml}</li>) }
  override def lowPriority = {
    case Tick => reRender(false)
  override def localSetup {
    NewIssuesPumpMaster ! SubscribePump(this)
  override def localShutdown {
    NewIssuesPumpMaster ! UnsubPump(this)

case object Tick
case class SubscribePump(pump : NewIssuesPump) 
case class UnsubPump(pump: NewIssuesPump)

object NewIssuesPumpMaster extends LiftActor {
  private var pumps : List[NewIssuesPump] = Nil
  override def messageHandler = { 
          case SubscribePump(pump) => pumps  ::= pump
          case UnsubPump(pump) => pumps -= pump 
      case Tick => pumps.foreach(_ ! Tick)

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