
Something strange is happening in Lift Record now - I have production
work that for some reason is now not behaving the way it should. The
custom record implementation that I have relies on knowing the field
name, and for some reason, it appears to not be being set:

(where Visitor is an example implementation of my Record):

scala> new Visitor().email("dfsfdsf")
TRACE - Set the value of 'null' with 'dfsfdsf' and marked as dirty.

I added some tracing and I see that the "def name" is always null
now... this is a major problem for me. My field apply method looks

  override def apply(in: FieldValueType): OwnerType = if
    Log.trace("Set the value of '"+name+"' with '"+in.toString+"' and
marked as dirty. ("+dirty_?.toString+")")
  } else {
    owner.meta.createWithMutableField(owner, this, Box.!!(in))

Im really not sure what has broken this, but i've not changed my code
other than adding the legacy check to accommodate ross' latest

I URGENTLY need a fix for this - we have production code relying on

Cheers, Tim

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