Hi Matthew and Simon,

>> { c4 } does not print a ‘4’
> That's not a chord.

Do you both really have that much difficulty figuring out what the other is 
(Don’t bother answering — that was a rhetorical question.)

Simon isn’t saying, suggesting, or even implying that c4 is a chord. He’s 
saying that users seem to be perfectly comfortable typing “c4” and seeing an 
output (i.e., musical notation) which is vastly different from the text/string 
‘c4’. He’s therefore wondering why chord mode is any different — why, suddenly, 
does the “ordinary Lilypond user” (again, whatever that possibly means?) expect 
the input to match the output.

And I must say, I see his point: your implication seems to be that the 
tolerance the “ordinary user” apparently has for working in a notoriously 
uninviting and unfriendly [other people’s words, not mine!] non-GUI-based 
batch-processed music engraving system suddenly disappears [only] when it comes 
to chords…


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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