Valentin Petzel wrote:

My problem is that at
Position where the markup is defined the fontsize is in fact not known. I’ve
solved the issue for the time being by using a on-the-fly call to modify the

You can fetch the font-size with    #:properties ((font-size 0))
as done in \translate-scaled for example.

And if you are fed up with baseline-skip you can set it to 0,
and it then stays 0 whatever the font-size.

In your case it would suffice to insert vertical gaps because
your column doesn't need to skip exactly like nearby columns do.

\version "2.20.0"

vshim = \markup \combine \null \translate-scaled #'(0 . -0.2) \null
no-bs = #'(baseline-skip . 0)

\markup \line {
\column { A B C 6 }
\override #no-bs \column { A \vshim B \vshim C \vshim 7 }
\fontsize #-6 "..."
\fontsize #-6 \override #no-bs \column { A \vshim B \vshim C \vshim 8 }
\override #no-bs \fontsize #-6 \column { A \vshim B \vshim C \vshim 9 }


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